Even if you are far from the Internet, e-mail may not be a whim for you to simply register on different sites, but a necessity - for business or personal correspondence. Get yourself a mailing address on the Internet using the tips in this article.
It is necessary
Computer with Internet access
Step 1
Select the mail service you want to use to create your own mailbox. These can be both the most famous ones: mail.ru, yandex.ru, rambler.ru, and less popular ones: km.ru, inbox.ru and others.
Step 2
To create a mailing address on rambler.ru, click on the "Create mail" link at the top left of the screen. Here you will need to enter your first name, last name and the address that you would like to receive (more precisely, the first part of the address, which will come before @ rambler.ru). If the address you have chosen turns out to be free, you will only have to fill out the registration form that opens and choose a password.
Step 3
To create a mailing address on yandex.ru, click on the link "Create mailbox" in the upper left part of the screen. The registration page will open. Here you also need to enter the first name, last name and the desired address. After the system confirms that the address is free, enter the desired password, security question and answer, which may be useful in password recovery. After that, click the "Register" button.
Step 4
If you want to create a mailbox on mail.ru, follow the link "Registration in mail" in the upper left part of the screen. A registration form will open, where you also need to enter your first name, last name, address of the desired mailbox, password, secret question and answer. When you enter all the required data, click "Create" and your mailbox will be created.