Shavlak Igor Eduardovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Shavlak Igor Eduardovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Shavlak Igor Eduardovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Video: Shavlak Igor Eduardovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Video: Shavlak Igor Eduardovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Video: Где находится артист Игорь Шавлак неизвестно даже жене 2025, January

Detective and adventure films enjoy a steady stream of audiences. The creators of the picture, producers and directors, sometimes have to use non-standard ways when working. Igor Shavlak, actor and director, is known for his adventure.

Igor Shavlak
Igor Shavlak

Starting conditions

The film industry attracts talented and energetic people. To be successful in this type of activity, you need to have connections and a reliable source of funding. In the presence of these components, a favorable combination of circumstances does not hurt. Igor Eduardovich Shavlak began his creative career as an actor. He did well. Igor's films aroused the interest of viewers and critics. After a short period of time, the young man was attracted by the director's activity.

The future actor was born on September 12, 1962 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Yaroslavl. My father worked at a tire factory. Mother taught literature at school. The child grew up curious and agile. In high school, he regularly attended a drama studio in the factory palace of culture. It is not surprising that having received a certificate of maturity, Igor went to Moscow. After some hesitation, he decided to get a specialized education at the Boris Shchukin Theater School. I passed the creative competition and entrance exams on the first try.


Creative activity

In 1983, Shavlak received a diploma and entered the service at the Vakhtangov Academic Theater. According to the recollections of colleagues, the relationship between the certified actor and the veterans of the troupe did not work out. Three years later, Igor left his job and organized, together with a fellow student, the Sokolniki theater studio. A place for classes was found in the Rusakov House of Culture. Almost two years passed trying to create a dramatic masterpiece, but the project had to be closed. The actor in the cinema was much more successful.

The film "It all starts with love", released in 1984, is considered a film debut for Igor. Already in the next season he was invited to a project called "Train Out of Schedule". Having performed one of the main roles, Shavlak declared himself as a versatile actor. This fact is indirectly confirmed by an invitation to the adventure film "Black Arrow". After this project, Igor began to think about a director's career. The first film that he directed as a director was called "The Ghoul Family."


Personal life scenario

A director needs money to make author's films. Shavlak found the necessary sources of funding. The first project "Gold of Yugra" cost a considerable sum. The film was a box office success and paid for the costs. The next picture "Lineman" was a failure. The director had to leave Russia for a while.

The personal life of Igor Shavlak was not very successful. He entered into legal marriage three times. In the last alliance, the husband and wife lived for almost seven years. They had a daughter. But since Igor had to leave, he is not involved in raising a child.