How To Go To Live In Bulgaria

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How To Go To Live In Bulgaria
How To Go To Live In Bulgaria

Video: How To Go To Live In Bulgaria

Video: How To Go To Live In Bulgaria
Video: What is the BEST place to live in Bulgaria? 🇧🇬 2024, September

The fish seeks where it is deeper, and the person - where it is better. Some of our citizens believe that it is good wherever Russia is not. And the closest paradise in spirit and Slavic roots seems to them the country of Bulgaria. What ?! The climate is surprisingly mild, the nature is magnificent, the Black Sea coast, Europe, again. However, if everything were so simple …

How to go to live in Bulgaria
How to go to live in Bulgaria


Step 1

Like any country, Bulgaria does not at all wait for our compatriots with open arms. Quite the opposite, today there is unemployment in Bulgaria, so it is rather difficult to obtain a visa for permanent residence. And without a visa it is difficult to count on a good job in Bulgaria. Bulgarian citizenship cannot be obtained without Bulgarian relatives, and it will take more than one year to prove your Bulgarian roots.

Step 2

Therefore, before leaving for a residence in Bulgaria, think a hundred times. And if you nevertheless decided to take this step, first of all, deal with the legal side of the issue.

Step 3

To go to Bulgaria to live, the easiest way is to register a representative office of a foreign company on its territory. That is, having a company in Russia, you can open and register a representative office in Bulgaria, obtain a residence permit for a period of 1 year and live in Bulgaria, annually submitting a zero balance to the tax authorities of Russia and Bulgaria. But here, of course, there are pitfalls. First, the legislation of our countries is constantly changing, and it is not a fact that the zero balance will suit Bulgaria and Russia in the future.

Step 4

Secondly, the residence permit presupposes that you have a valid visa type D, national insurance of your country, at least 3000 leva (approximately 1550 euros), deposited in a personal account with a Bulgarian bank. After a year, the residence permit can be renewed. And after 5 years of renewable species, you can get a permanent look.

Step 5

To live in Bulgaria, you can still enroll in an educational institution on the territory of the country. Then you will immediately receive a residence permit. You can also buy property in Bulgaria. But with this method of moving, only a long-term entry visa awaits you, first for 1 year, then for 3 years.

Step 6

The easiest way is for pensioners to go to live in Bulgaria. According to the current Bulgarian “Law on Foreigners”, article 24, paragraph 10, a foreign pensioner can obtain a long-term visa if he has the means to support himself and receives a pension.

Step 7

To do this, the pensioner must provide: a valid passport, an agreement on the lease of housing or its ownership, an account in a Bulgarian bank and 1500-3000 euros on it, an agreement on the transfer of a pension to the same account in a bank in Bulgaria, a certificate of pension received in Russia for the last 3 months. The certificate must be translated into Bulgarian and notarized.
