Vasily Boyko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vasily Boyko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vasily Boyko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Former nuclear physicist Vasily Boyko-Veliky can rightfully be called the strangest entrepreneur in Russia. He prefers to wear a caftan and is not at all afraid of the crisis.

Vasily Vadimovich Boyko-Veliky
Vasily Vadimovich Boyko-Veliky

"I am Russian" says about himself Vasily Boyko-Veliky and claims that the image of an eccentric appeared to him thanks to the Internet.


Vasily Vadimovich Boyko was born in 1959. His family lived in Moscow. My father held senior positions at the BTI and the Institute for Tractor and Agricultural Engineering Research. Mother ran a laboratory at the Kurchatov Institute.

Vasily Boyko chose MEPhI to study, specializing in Theoretical Nuclear Physics. Classmates argue that during the student days there was nothing "great" in Vasily, and he did not stand out from the general mass. For some time he worked precisely in the field of physics: he was an engineer at the NPO Astrophysics, a junior researcher at Moscow State University. He has about 30 scientific papers.

In the 90s of the last century, scientific activity was not popular and was practically not funded by the state. Therefore, Boyko decided to master another profession.

In 1993, Vasily took courses from the stock exchange. From that moment on, he holds an open-ended qualification certificate of the FFMS of the first category.

In 1992, he implemented the project "Your Financial Trustee", and his mother, wife and several friends became his companions. The company was able to compete for the assets of the country's leading enterprises at that time - RUSIA Petroleum, Bratsk Aluminum Plant, etc. The company has several main directions: investment activities, development, car repair and car service, agro-industrial complex, property management in commerce.


In 2003, Boyko-Veliky created the Russian Milk holding, which took under its wing 8 out of 10 agricultural enterprises in the Ruzsky district (Moscow region). His brands "Ruzsky milk", "Ruzsky kefir" and others have many awards and diplomas. In 2006, Boyko became the owner of the highest award in the field of food in the Russian Federation "For the abundance and prosperity of Russia." At that time, his fortune was estimated at more than $ 100 million. This corresponded to 321 places on the list of the richest Russians.

But not everything went smoothly in the business activities of Vasily Boyko-the Great. In 2007, he was accused of stealing land from the owners of the Ruzsky district. He had to spend almost 2 years in prison while the trial was underway. Then he was released on bail, the charges were dropped three years later, but the investigation continued.

You can see the crossed out barcode on the packages with the products of the "Ruzsky" holding. The company officially announced that this is the "seal of the antichrist", so it is crossed out. Entrepreneurs have no opportunity to completely abandon it - without a barcode, products cannot be delivered to large stores.


Personal life

Vasily Boyko is married to Anna Vladimrovna, she graduated from the geological faculty of Moscow State University. Now she runs the St. Basil the Great Foundation. The couple have three children: Anna, Maria and Alexey. The whole family is fond of equestrian sports, alpine skiing, tennis, fishing. Boyko has several pets: Labrador, cat, rabbit, fish.


After leaving prison, Vasily decided to add his maiden name to the matter - Great. According to him, this helps to avoid confusion with the same falsifications in business.

At about the same time, his fascination with Old Slavic customs became especially noticeable. He began to appear in public in a caftan, making him the most famous dairy producer. The House of Russian Clothes by V. Averyanova is in charge of Boyko-Veliky's style.

Boyko-Veliky claims that he does not recognize the Russian Orthodox Church and considers himself a member of a special community. It does not fit the description of any of the known denominations. In the ROC they call them samochintsy, and their gatherings are schismatic.


Boyko-Veliky and his companies are actively helping churches and monasteries. They organize courses for schoolchildren to teach Orthodox culture. They help to organize exhibitions of icon painting.

In 2009, Vasily Boyko became president of the foundation he created, which is called the St. Basil the Great Russian Cultural and Educational Foundation.

All employees of Boyko-owned companies study the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" without fail. Married couples must undergo a wedding ceremony. Boyko does not consider this a compulsion to faith, calling the conditions "a push in the right direction."

Holidays on February 23rd and March 8th are not celebrated by employees, because "they do not record any special successes of the Russian people." Instead of these days, companies recognized Good Friday, Easter Monday, etc. as days off. All these transformations cause an ambiguous reaction from employees and the environment.

Awards and achievements

Vasily Boyko has many different awards and achievements, including in the Orthodox line. Among the unusual can be distinguished.


Twice he became the person of the year in Russia (in 2008 and 2009).

In 2014 he won the Stolypin Prize.

Boyko the Great has a number of articles and publications. Most of them are published in the information and analytical service "Russian People's Line". He regularly organizes scientific and historical conferences, where questions of Orthodoxy in Russia are discussed.