Dmitry Miron: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Dmitry Miron: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Dmitry Miron: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The film career of the Russian actor Dmitry Miron began with a role in the popular detective series "Maroseyka, 12". He worked in the theater of the Russian Army, after which he performed in various entreprise. His creative plans were prevented by sudden death.

Dmitry Miron: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Dmitry Miron: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Biography: early years

Dmitry Savelievich Miron was born on April 19, 1975 in Minsk. His family was far from the art world. Parents worked at the Minsk Tractor Plant as ordinary workers. Dmitry was the second child in the family. He spent his childhood and youth in Minsk.

For the time being, Dmitry did not think about the acting profession, although he liked art since childhood. He also loved to read, and everything in a row - from classics to modern works. Once Dmitry fell into the hands of a book by Alexander Dumas. He read the Count of Monte Cristo in one breath. He liked the style of presentation and the flowery plot. And soon he read a number of other works of the great Frenchman. Then Miron could not know that in the near future he would portray heroes on the stage from the pages of his favorite books.

After graduation, Dmitry applied to the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. However, this venture was not crowned with success: he failed the entrance tests miserably.

Then Miron decided to enter a studio school at the local screen actors guild. At that time, it was directed by the famous actor Vladimir Gostyukhin. Miron successfully passed the entrance creative exam and was enrolled in the ranks of students. In one of the interviews, he recalled that then he felt much freer and more relaxed than in front of the examiners at the Academy of Arts, and perhaps this helped him to enter.

Classes were held on the basis of the Minsk Theater of Film Actors. In his free time, Miron worked part-time on her stage. His debut on the professional stage took place in 1993. Then Dmitry was barely 18 years old. He played the youngest son of Socrates in Yuri Gorobets's production of Barefoot in Athens.


In 1994, after graduating from a studio school, Dmitry went to Moscow to "storm" local acting universities. A year later, he entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI-GITIS). Within its walls, Miron learned the secrets of acting on the course of Vladimir Levertov. Dmitry recalled those years with pleasure: "We had a very friendly course, we spent almost all our free time together - both in the academy and outside it." At the RATI student theater, he played in two performances: "Profitable Place" and "A Funny Case".


In 1999, Miron graduated from the Academy and was accepted into the troupe of the Russian Army Theater. He appeared on his stage for three years. During this time, Dmitry took part in the following productions:

  • "The Wizard of Oz";
  • "Invitation to the Castle";
  • Don Perlimplin's Love.

Myron was not given the main roles. However, his minor characters were bright and unforgettable.

In 2000, Dmitry made his film debut. He starred in the TV series "Maroseyka, 12", which at that time had quite high ratings. Myron appeared in one of the episodes as an English spy.

In 2002, Dmitry left the theater of the Russian Army, because he did not see any prospects for himself on its stage. Soon the actress Irina Apeksimova invited him to take part in the play "Carmen", which was staged by Roman Viktyuk himself. Dmitry agreed and got the role of Lieutenant Jose Torero. In the same year, Apeksimova invited him to work at her production center. Dmitry left it after 10 years. Thanks to the efforts of Apeksimova, he played in a number of theatrical productions, among which, in addition to Carmen:

  • "Lady with Camellias";
  • "Funny boys";
  • "Others";
  • "How much does love cost?".

In parallel, Miron took part in television projects. So, in 2003 he received his second film role, taking part in the filming of the movie "Farewell in June" based on the play by Alexander Vampilov. Dmitry played a photographer.

Two years later, Dmitry starred in the historical drama of Alexei German Jr. "Garpastum". The film took part in the competition program of the 2005 Venice Film Festival. Miron played the role of an artist in the picture.

Over the next five years, Dmitry received cameo roles in low-budget films and TV shows. Cinema and theater did not bring him much money. For minor roles, they paid pennies. To make ends meet in the Russian capital, he was forced to combine his service in the theater with the work of a sommelier in one of the expensive restaurants on the Arbat.


In 2014 Dmitry moved to Kazakhstan. There he was offered a place in the troupe of one of the theaters of Almaty. The actor's friends later said that he went to Kazakhstan for the main roles on stage. In parallel, Miron worked as a manager of a wine restaurant.

Sudden death

Dmitry Miron died on June 13, 2016 in a hospital in Almaty. He was 41 years old. No cause of death was reported. According to rumors, the actor died of a stroke. Dmitry's friends believe that his body simply could not stand the frantic rhythm into which he drove him, torn between two works.

Personal life

Dmitry Miron was married. He met his wife Anna while still in Minsk while studying at a studio school. The girl was his classmate. The guys got married in their third year. Myron was a rather secretive person. He tried not to let anyone into his personal life. According to rumors, he broke up with his wife shortly after moving to Moscow. There were no children in the marriage.
