Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva can serve as an example of the first lady of the state. Calm and confident, far from politics, but very close to her husband, she was his half and friend for half a century.

Childhood and youth
Victoria Brezhneva is from Belgorod. She was born in 1907 in the family of the machinist Pyotr Nikanorovich Denisov. Mother Anna Vladimirovna was engaged in raising children, there were five of them. At various times, there were many discussions about the nationality of Victoria Petrovna. Some biographers agreed on her Jewish roots, but she herself denied this. She said that her parents borrowed a beautiful, rare name for those times from the Poles who lived nearby.
After school nine, the girl entered the Kursk Medical College. In my free time I went to dances with my friends. On one of these evenings I met Leonid Brezhnev. He looked rustic, a kind of goof, and he did not know how to move in the dance. The girlfriend refused to go dancing with him, and Vika felt sorry for the guy. By that time, the young man was finishing the third year of the technical school of land reclamation. Their acquaintance took place back in 1925. And three years later, the romance ended with a wedding. Since then, they have never parted.
Married to Brezhnev
By distribution, the Brezhnevs ended up in the Sverdlovsk region. Life in the hostel was humble. Soon the first child appeared - daughter Galina, and then son Yuri. Victoria was educated as a midwife, but she did not have to work for long, her family and children filled her life. The husband took steps in a party career, and she provided home comfort. Even when Leonid Ilyich headed the Central Committee of the party, his wife continued to be in the shadow of her famous husband and rarely attended official events. She was very different from the wives of high-ranking leaders, did not visit their noisy companies, did not build intrigues, did not shine with outfits and hairstyles.
Brezhnev's favorite place was the kitchen, she cooked excellently. Even when invited chefs appeared in the house, she taught them her recipes to please her beloved husband. Victoria Petrovna personally took care of her husband's wardrobe. She herself looked modest, almost did not wear jewelry. Both in appearance and in character, she was restrained and balanced. She complemented her husband, was ready to listen to him at any time and help with the necessary advice.
The children of the Brezhnevs grew up differently. Yuri continued his father's work, showed himself in politics. He married once and raised two sons with his wife Lyudmila. Galina grew up to be the absolute opposite of her mother. She was bright, with an explosive character. The main thing for myself was the ability to shine in public. Her personal life includes three marriages and many novels. In the fate of a woman, there was a passion for alcohol, a psychiatric clinic, and, finally, a stroke.
Last years
Victoria Petrovna outlived her husband by thirteen years. The rest of her life was spent alone in a small Moscow apartment. With the death of her husband, she lost a lot of property, including a dacha near Moscow. Life tested her during the war and the difficult post-war years, so she calmly endured these blows of fate. For the past ten years, the woman had diabetes mellitus and required regular insulin injections. A serious illness caused her to leave in 1995. The death of Victoria Brezhneva, like her life, went unnoticed. Having lived for years with an eminent spouse, she did not share her thoughts with the press and publishing houses. Many secrets of her biography remained unsolved.