How To Fill Out An Application For Citizenship

How To Fill Out An Application For Citizenship
How To Fill Out An Application For Citizenship

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Obtaining citizenship is a long and painstaking process. First, you need to obtain a temporary residence permit, on the basis of which a residence permit is issued. If you have lived in the Russian Federation for 5 years after receiving a residence permit, then you have the right to proceed with the paperwork for obtaining Russian citizenship. The most important point in this process is filling out the citizenship application.

How to fill out an application for citizenship
How to fill out an application for citizenship


Step 1

Contact the Federal Migration Service. Get the Citizenship Application Form. The application can be completed by hand or by technical means. Answer thoroughly. Do not use abbreviations, acronyms, dashes and corrections.

Step 2

Indicate the reasons that led to your application for citizenship. List all minor children who will receive citizenship with you. Check the details of the second parent. Next, fill in all the information about yourself: name, date of birth, gender, real citizenship, religion, education, etc. If you are married, please indicate the number of the marriage certificate, as well as the date and place of issue.

Step 3

Fill in the information about all close relatives (parents, husband / wife, children, brothers, sisters). Full names, date of birth, citizenship, residential address and place of work are indicated. Complete your employment information for the past five years, including training. List all types of income you are currently receiving. If you have been assigned a pension, indicate the type of pension, certificate number, by whom and when received. Note the level of proficiency in Russian and indicate the document that confirms this information. Indicate the address of your current residence and contact phone number.

Step 4

Indicate your attitude to military service, whether you were in military service in the security organs of other countries. Please note if you have been prosecuted. If yes, please provide details.

Step 5

List all documents provided with the application. Be sure to include the date of writing the application and your signature. In some cases, the applicant's signature must be notarized. Submit the completed application to the Federal Migration Service in two copies.
