Emerald Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Emerald Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Emerald Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

The emerald stone is one of the most popular precious minerals. A huge number of different legends and rumors circulate around him. In addition to its beautiful appearance, the gem has a wide range of magical and healing properties, thanks to which its popularity has only increased.

Raw emerald stone
Raw emerald stone

The emerald stone appeared a long time ago. In ancient Egypt, he symbolized motherhood and femininity. The precious mineral was worn mainly by the wives of the priests and representatives of the higher castes.

In Babylon, stone was used as currency. The ancient Greeks called it the mineral of radiance, and the Arabs collected flawless green crystals.

Christians treated the gem ambiguously. There are several legends that cause conflicting feelings. According to one, the emerald is considered a stone of darkness, tk. dropped from Lucifer's helmet. But there is a myth that claims that it was this mineral that was used to create the Holy Grail. So it is a light stone.

decoration with emerald
decoration with emerald

In Russia, the first deposits were discovered in 1831. At the present stage, the emerald is considered a currency value in the country.

The magical properties of emerald

The stone has been used in mystical practices since ancient times. It is mainly used as an amulet for women. According to legend, he will help maintain honor and pride. Thanks to him, you can become a worthy wife and mother. The stone will be useful for women and in professional activities. Thanks to the gem, energy will appear to achieve your goals and to fight stereotypes.

Protection during pregnancy is another significant magical property of the emerald. The crystal reduces the feeling of pain during contractions, minimizes stretching. Not only the woman will be protected, but also the child. Subsequently, thanks to the emerald, it will be easier to find a common language with the baby, to understand his needs and desires.

In Russia, it was believed that the emerald is suitable for sages and teachers. The stone is endowed with this property even at the present stage. With its help, it will be possible to become more reasonable and wise. The gem will help you find your destination.

According to psychics, the emerald stone is able to enhance the good qualities of its owner. The gem will greatly simplify the fight against bad habits and vices. It will attract good luck into the life of its owner.

Pendant with emerald
Pendant with emerald

But you need to understand that only real emerald has magical properties.

Healing properties

Emerald is used not only in magical practices, but also in folk medicine. According to lithotherapists, the stone strengthens the health of its owner. The mineral is able to normalize blood pressure and relieve headaches. Can be used to treat stomach pains. Emerald is able to purify water due to its antibacterial properties.

The stone has the following medicinal properties:

  1. emerald will help lower the temperature;
  2. the mineral accelerates the restoration of the skin after burns and inflammations;
  3. thanks to the gem, vision improves;
  4. crystal helps fight epilepsy;
  5. with the help of the mineral, you can get rid of anxiety, which will have a positive effect on the quality of sleep;
  6. emerald helps to cope with depression, fears and increased fatigue.

To take advantage of all the medicinal qualities, you must purchase a natural stone. There will be no sense from a fake.

Who is the emerald suitable for?

Gemini stone is ideal. Thanks to the mineral, they will gain wisdom, become more calm and calm-blooded. The stone is able to strengthen their attention and improve memory.

An emerald will be a wonderful gift for Cancers, Taurus and Libra. He will help the representatives of these signs get rid of aggressiveness and impulsiveness. Will bring new impressions and good luck to life. Cancer women will help to find a pair.

It is recommended to abandon the stone for Scorpions, Sagittarius and Capricorns. The emerald will only attract problems and troubles into their lives.

All other signs are allowed to use the stone. However, it can take much longer to establish a full bond between the mineral and the owner.