Who Most Often Commits Crimes In Moscow

Who Most Often Commits Crimes In Moscow
Who Most Often Commits Crimes In Moscow

Moscow is one of the most criminal cities in Russia. But there is an adequate explanation for this - a huge number of visitors are concentrated here, both from all over Russia and from the countries of the Near Abroad. The capital's law enforcement agencies have compiled their own statistics, from which it is clearly visible who most of all commits crimes in Moscow.

Who most often commits crimes in Moscow
Who most often commits crimes in Moscow

According to law enforcement agencies, more than 60% of all crimes in Moscow are committed by nonresidents. And the reasons are quite commonplace. People come to a foreign city in search of work and self-realization. Not everyone succeeds in finding their place in the sun. It often happens that they simply have no money for the way back. And it turns out that they commit a crime. In some cases this happens in order to survive, in others, anger against those who, according to the criminals, have everything, plays a large role.

For the most part, these crimes are not particularly serious - fraud, theft, robbery, etc. Recently, however, the number of incidents involving migrants has become more frequent. There is also an explanation for this - after all, over the past 5 years, the number of visiting workers, often illegal, has increased significantly. The crisis of 2008 significantly knocked down those spheres where they worked - basically, this is everything related to construction. They have no money to return home, and they also do not want to go there without the opportunity to support their family. All this pushes migrants to crime.

Recently, more and more terrible headlines began to appear about women and children raped and killed by migrants. And it is true. Law enforcers argue that the number of crimes committed by visitors from the Near Abroad is growing. Moreover, more and more often it is migrants who become the main persons involved in crimes committed with particular cruelty and belonging to the category of especially serious ones. The authorities find it difficult to name the reasons why this is happening. And psychologists are sure that all this is from the anger of migrants and too many of them in the city.

Most often, middle-aged people - from 30 years of age and older go to crimes. However, in recent years, many Moscow gangster groups have emerged, which include juvenile delinquents.
