In Russia, a federal law was adopted, according to which, starting from May 1, 2011, new compulsory health insurance policies are issued. The new OMS policy is a document of a single sample, which is valid throughout the country. It gives a citizen the right to receive free medical care in any region, city or village, regardless of registration.

Step 1
The process of issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample consists of several stages. First, a citizen must choose an insurance medical organization (HMO), which must be contacted for a policy. Moreover, the opportunity to replace the CMO is provided only once a year, no later than November 1. An exception is a change of residence, or the termination of the activity of an insurance medical organization.
Step 2
On the day of contacting the insurance company, you must have a passport and insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) with you. The information provided by the citizen will certainly be checked for the presence of double insurance in other organizations, since a person has the right to have only one compulsory medical insurance policy. After that, the insured writes a statement and receives a temporary certificate, which confirms the very fact of issuing a compulsory health insurance policy. A temporary policy gives you the opportunity to contact medical institutions within 30 working days.
Step 3
After a certain amount of time, the citizen will be issued a permanent policy that will not have a limitation on the validity period. In addition, if the insured person suddenly has a desire to change one insurance organization to another, then in this case the policy will not be replaced. Only a corresponding note will be made in it. You need to know that if a citizen did not submit an application for choosing or replacing an insurance organization, then it is assumed that he is insured by the insurance company in which he was previously listed.
Step 4
All policies that were issued before January 1, 2011 are considered valid. However, it is important to remember that, according to the law, they must be exchanged for a new compulsory medical insurance policy before January 1, 2014. Citizens who have such a policy in their hands are guaranteed free medical care. It should be noted that a policy is not required to receive urgent medical care.