How Modern Youth Live

How Modern Youth Live
How Modern Youth Live

Student years are a time of new discoveries, knowledge, sensations, the birth of new families and much more. But not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance.

How modern youth live
How modern youth live

Problem one: easy availability of alcohol and other psychotropic substances

The first problem is drugs and alcohol. According to opinion polls, every second student drinks occasionally, and even worse, does it every weekend, or even more often. There are also young people who use drugs and other questionable substances, which, in their opinion, make their inner state more fun and brighter. With age, these people recover from addiction, realizing their mistake of youth, and if they do not have time to realize, then they die.

Students who understand the harm of the first problem have a problem with hobbies. Many modern students have nothing to do in their free time.

Problem two: financial dependence on the older generation

The problem of financial support remains topical for today's youth. You have to look for a job to get a livelihood. Often there are practically no vacancies in the future profession, and if there are, they consider candidates, alas, only with work experience. And where did the students get their work experience. So young people work part-time either at car washes or at McDonald's.

Problem three: striving for leisure and only for leisure

Another social problem of the modern student body is the desire for leisure, which is too exaggerated. Often, young people do not want to develop, attend developmental trainings or increase spiritual and cultural development. Many people have forgotten about the theater, libraries, and some even about the cinema.

Carried away by computer games and virtual communication, many of our young contemporaries began to forget about the present. This also applies to the urgency of the problems of the modern student. The general culture of behavior speaks of the decline in the morals of the country's young population, which is closely related to previous problems. Our state in every possible way supports modern students in the form of various actions and events, but this does not even solve the financial problem, not to mention others. This reminds of one joke: before, students studied and earned money, but now they work and are learning. Perhaps, over time, these problems will be resolved. But for tomorrow to be better, you need to start correcting today's mistakes yesterday.
