How Not To Get Into The Construction Battalion

How Not To Get Into The Construction Battalion
How Not To Get Into The Construction Battalion

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The engineering troops, or in common parlance, the construction battalion, are engaged in construction activities necessary for other types of troops to fulfill their tasks. Service in the construction battalion is considered difficult and not too honorable, so the desire of the conscript to avoid getting into the engineering troops is quite understandable.

How not to get into the construction battalion
How not to get into the construction battalion

It is necessary

  • - technical skills;
  • - driver's license;


Step 1

The probability of getting into the construction troops is much higher for a conscript who does not have any skills useful for serving in the army. For example, if you are a skydiver, you can count on serving in the Airborne Forces. If you have a driver's license, then there is a very high probability that you will serve as a driver. If you have skills in radio business, you will find yourself in the signal troops, technical units of the Air Force, etc. - that is, where your skills will be in demand.

Step 2

If you do not want to get into a construction battalion, you should acquire certain skills. At the same time, many of them do not need to be documented; during a conversation at the military registration and enlistment office, you will simply be asked a few questions. For example, if you were involved in radio business, you may be asked about how a power supply unit or a simple radio receiver works. For a radio amateur, there will be no difficulties in answering these questions, as a result, you are guaranteed to get into good troops. In modern conditions, computer skills and programming skills are useful.

Step 3

The primary assignment to one or another branch of the army occurs even at the stage of obtaining a certificate of registration while studying at school. Here you should be realistic and understand that if, at your request, you are pre-recorded in the Airborne Forces, then this does not mean anything. To get into the elite troops, you must at least have good physical training. On the other hand, if you ask to join the signal troops, your chances will be great enough.

Step 4

The place of your study also affects getting into certain troops - if, before serving in the army, you managed to enter a university or another educational institution. Not all of them have military departments, so after the first year you can be drafted into the army. If you study at a technical institute, your chances of getting into a construction battalion tend to zero. On the other hand, you may find yourself in a construction battalion, even while studying at the university at the Faculty of Science or Humanities. In the army, it is precisely the technical skills that are needed, so the humanitarian has a fairly good chance of being in the construction troops.

Step 5

Be sure to monitor your health. If you have poor eyesight, you must prove that you cannot serve at all, or come to the draft board without glasses. The worst option is when you are considered fit for service, but with restrictions, in this case the road to the construction battalion is practically guaranteed for you.
