Marina Poplavskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Marina Poplavskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Marina Poplavskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Marina Poplavskaya is an amazing actress who became famous for her comedian talent and beautiful voice. She successfully combined performances and filming in shows and work as a teacher at school. She managed to create a number of memorable and unusual female images and make a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture.

Marina Poplavskaya: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Marina Poplavskaya: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Biography of the actress

Marianna (Marina) Frantsevna Poplavskaya was born in 1972 in the small Ukrainian town of Novograd-Volynsky, located in the west of the Zhytomyr region. In an interview for Viva! The actress admitted that her roots go back to the Polish nobility. According to family stories, her great-grandfather was a baron and owned a lot of property. However, during the formation of Soviet power, he was dispossessed. Another great-grandfather of the actress was called Pan until his very last days. He led a hermitic lifestyle. According to the stories of relatives, the great-grandfather was also a baron, but this has not yet been documented. Before the revolution, he lived in Brazil, after which he returned to his homeland.

All of Marina Poplavskaya's childhood was spent in her hometown of Novograd-Volynsky. From an early age, she wanted to work at school with children, so after graduation she entered the Zhitomir State University named after I. Ivan Franko at the Faculty of Philology. Marina graduated from the university with a degree in “teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature” and got a job as a teacher at school # 26 in Zhitomir. Then she moved to the general educational institution №33, where she worked for more than 20 years, than she was most proud of. In this school, Marina Poplavskaya not only taught children literature, but also studied with them in a drama club organized by her.

Creativity and career

In 1993, the actress was offered to become a part of the KVN team "Girls from Zhitomir". Literally four years later, in 1997, the guys played in the Premier League. The team also took part in the "Voting KiViN" festival several times and won twice: in 1997 and 2001.

After a successful and impressive performance in Jurmala, Marina Poplavskaya was invited by the management of the NTV television studio. On the channel, the actress was offered one of the main roles in the comic series "For Three". In this project, many situations familiar to people were ridiculed, and the actors played the roles of the most ordinary representatives of the population: neighbors, police officers, shop assistants, doctors, etc.

This project fully revealed the talents of Marina Poplavskaya. Her extraordinary appearance, ability to perfectly convey character, charm, sparkling humor - all this made her the star of the show. Together with the popular actor Yevgeny Smorygin, they made a wonderful duet, so beloved by television viewers. The actress began to be recognized not only at home, but throughout the post-Soviet space.

In addition to humorous and acting talents, Marina also had many others. She herself was engaged in the creation of jokes and songs, was directly involved in the organization and production of numbers. Until 2017, the actress did not abandon her educational activities, still transferring knowledge of the Ukrainian language and literature to schoolchildren and studying with them in a drama circle. A considerable number of invitations to various programs were rejected for her only because they violated the school schedule.

Marina Poplavskaya argued that talent is gainful. You don't have to be born into the right family or have incredible abilities to become successful and famous. The most important thing is striving for your dreams and systematic work. By her example, she proved that it is so.

Since 2016, Marina has taken part in the comedy project Diesel Show on the Ukrainian television channel ICTV. She was also the host of the DIZEL morning program.

If we consider the entire creative path of the actress, then her most striking projects are the following:

  1. "Girls from Zhitomir"
  2. "For three persons"
  3. Diesel Show.

Personal life and family

Despite the great creative success and popularity, Marina Poplavskaya did not manage to get married and find a family. She also did not have her own children. And although once in an interview, Marina casually mentioned that she has a loved one and lives in Ukraine, the journalists could not get more specific information.

Marina's parents died several years ago, and only a sister and her children remained from her relatives. Therefore, the actress spent all her free time with her beloved nephews, as well as with her students. It was to them that Marina gave all her love, her warmth, and attention. It was they who charged her with inspiration, supported and helped in difficult moments. If we consider the word “family” not in the classical sense, then Marina Poplavskaya had it big, strong and devoted.

Colleagues spoke very warmly about the actress. They said that she had an easy and cheerful character, that she was non-conflict, albeit very purposeful and punchy. Humor played an important role in Marina's life. She joked in class at school, approached everything easily and with a smile, and for this she was very loved by the students. Marina herself often mentioned in interviews that her main fans are primary school students. But high school students also often discussed scenes from "Diesel Show" with her.

Circumstances of death and farewell to the actress

Much to the regret and sorrow of everyone who knew Marina, the actress died on October 20, 2018 in a car accident. The accident occurred near the village of Mila (near Kiev) at 7 am.

The Diesel Show actors were sent to the capital from Lviv. The bus driver lost control and collided with a DAF truck. Marina died as a result of a traffic accident and 8 more people received all kinds of injuries. Four of them are in critical condition at the hospital. According to the investigation, the actress died because she was in the front seat next to the driver and was not wearing a seat belt.

On October 22, 2018, a farewell ceremony was held with the actress. About 5 hundred people gathered.

The day after the accident there was also a farewell ceremony, but it was held in Kiev. Not only ordinary people came to lay flowers on the deceased actress, but famous figures of culture and art, among whom were:

  1. Actress and popular presenter Ruslana Pisanka.
  2. Film and television actor Sergei Sivokho.
  3. Showman Anton Lirnik.