When Kiev Was Founded

When Kiev Was Founded
When Kiev Was Founded

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, as well as its scientific and cultural center. It was in it that great writers, composers, poets and scientists lived and worked, who dedicated their poems, novels and discoveries to this ancient and beautiful city. According to legend, Kiev was founded by Prince Kiy - but when did this happen? There are several versions about this.

When Kiev was founded
When Kiev was founded

Founders of Kiev

According to the official version, Kiev was founded by three brothers - Kiy, Schek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid. Once they stopped on the banks of the Dnieper and decided to stay in places with picturesque forests and an abundance of game. The elder brother Kiy built a large house, around which the city began to be built slowly. However, some Kiev scholars argue that in fact Shchek, Khoriv and Lybed are fictional characters designed to embellish the story of the Polyan prince Kie, who actually existed.

At one time it was believed that Kiy was a simple carrier, but since his trips to Byzantium were repeatedly mentioned in the chronicles, scientists returned the title of prince to him.

The place where, according to legend, modern Kiev came from, has survived to this day. This is Mount Kiyanitsa, standing on Podil - now it houses the Historical Museum and the foundation of the Tithe Church. The chronicles indicate that Prince Kiy came and began to reign on the mountain, which later received the name Kievitsa from him, and on the mountains Schekovitsa and Khorevitsa, respectively, his brothers Shchek and Khoriv ruled.

Date of foundation of Kiev

The 1525th anniversary of the founding of Kiev was recently officially celebrated. The exact date of the emergence of the capital of Ukraine is currently not known for certain. In 1982, the Central Committee of the CPSU issued a decree on the celebration of the 1500th anniversary of the city in order to bring the anniversary of the day of Kiev closer to the anniversary of the baptism of Rus.

Another version of the date of the appearance of Kiev is indicated in the chronicles of the "Tale of Bygone Years", in which there is a specific date - 482.

Historians believe that the capital of Ukraine is much older than previously thought - some argue that Kiev is about five thousand years old, and it is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. Others are convinced that the city is at least three hundred years older than commonly believed. The opinion about the foundation of Kiev in 482 is often refuted by statements that the first written mention of it is simply dated to this time.

According to German historians, Kiev was founded in the third century AD, however, archaeological excavations carried out in the twentieth century have clearly shown that the capital of Ukraine was founded at the turn of the fifth-sixth centuries. There is also a version that the city was formed in the 8-10th centuries, when farms and villages under the principality of Kiya united into one infrastructure and thus subsequently turned into flourishing Kiev.