The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark on the history of Russia. The victory in it, achieved over a strong, skillful and cruel enemy, is rightfully our national pride. At the same time, remembering these difficult years, honoring war veterans, we bow our heads before the blessed memory of the great many of its victims. Indeed, during the war, there were practically no families left who did not lose a loved one.

Step 1
Of course, in many cities and villages of Russia, monuments have been erected that perpetuate the feat of our people. Among them there are grandiose monumental complexes, which are a real masterpiece of art, and modest monuments on the mass graves of soldiers. They remind new generations, for whom the war is already a distant history, at what cost the great Victory was won.
Step 2
Perhaps the most famous war monument not only in Russia, but throughout the world is the monumental complex "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" in the Alexander Garden of Moscow near the walls of the Kremlin. It is not the largest, but it is executed with impeccable harmonious severity. The eternal flame, erupting from the center of the five-pointed star, behind it is a granite pedestal, on which a banner, a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch lie bowed as a sign of sorrow. To the left of the eternal flame is a wall with the inscription: "To those who fell for the Motherland." The dates of the beginning and end of the war are also indicated there. On the right is a majestic granite alley, on which stone blocks with the names of hero cities are installed at regular intervals. Each of these blocks contains a capsule with earth brought from the hero city. The continuation of the alley is a red granite stele, on which the names of cities of military glory are immortalized.
Step 3
The monument, grandiose in scale and majesty, is located in the hero-city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), where one of the greatest battles of the war took place. Its main element, installed on the Mamayev Kurgan, is a huge figure of a woman with a raised sword in her right hand. The height of the figure is 52 meters, the length of the sword is 33 meters. This sculpture is called "The Motherland Calls". At its foot, according to the will, was buried the former commander of the 62nd Army, which bore the brunt of the battles in the city - V. I. Chuikov.
Step 4
The memorial complex at the Piskarevskoye cemetery in present-day St. Petersburg commemorates the feat of the soldiers and residents of besieged Leningrad, who survived the most terrible ordeals that can be imagined. The exact number of victims buried in mass graves at the Piskarevskoye cemetery is still unknown, but most historians believe that there were about half a million people.
Step 5
The center of the architectural and sculptural ensemble is the bronze figure of a woman symbolizing the Motherland. On either side of it stretches a funeral stele with high reliefs depicting the most dramatic episodes of the blockade of the city.