How To Write A Letter From Abroad

How To Write A Letter From Abroad
How To Write A Letter From Abroad

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Have you sent a letter to a friend abroad, and have not received an answer? It is possible that he simply does not know how to write and execute letters to Russia correctly. Although there is nothing difficult in this, if we reason logically.

How to write a letter from abroad
How to write a letter from abroad


Step 1

In Russia, an unofficial form of address in private letters is adopted even to unfamiliar people. So you don't have to come up with different epithets in order to emphasize all your respect for this person, and not even write "Dear …" or "Dear …", since in our country they usually pay attention not to the form, but to the content of the letter. Often a name and patronymic or just a first name is enough.

Step 2

Depending on the topic of your message and closeness with the addressee, you can adhere to a semi-official tone and carefully follow the spelling and punctuation, or write it in a colloquial style, avoiding excessive philosophizing (they are not particularly popular with us, especially if the quote, aphorism is our own or borrowed - are included in the text, as they say. "For a word of mouth"). However, friendly or intimate correspondence should also be more or less literate.

Step 3

In conclusion, do not be scattered in gratitude for the previous message you received (it is better to start the letter with this, if you want). But it is necessary to express the hope that your correspondence will not stop, otherwise your addressee may relieve himself of the obligation to continue it.

Step 4

Buy an envelope for sending international letters at the post office. In the upper left corner, indicate your address as is customary in your country, so that if the letter does not reach the addressee, your postal service can return it to you. In the lower right corner (but closer to the middle of the envelope), indicate the address in Russia in transliteration (that is, without translating the names of Russian streets into English or another language). It will be best if you choose the order of indicating the address adopted in the Russian Federation: country, region, settlement, street, house, apartment, name of the addressee, since this letter will be delivered by the Russian Post. And the mail of your state does not need a Russian address.
