Hydrothermal Emerald: Cultivation, Use In Jewelry

Hydrothermal Emerald: Cultivation, Use In Jewelry
Hydrothermal Emerald: Cultivation, Use In Jewelry

Scientists have managed to create analogues of many precious stones. Sparkling crystals are so similar to natural gems that they can only be distinguished with the help of special technologies. Hydrothermal emerald or nano emerald is a prime example of synthesized jewelry.

Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry
Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry

Impurities of vanadium, chromium oxide and iron provide the green color of the mineral. Due to their content, the color of natural crystals varies from warm yellowish-green to cool turquoise-emerald.

Method creation

The addition of substances in varying proportions enabled scientists to create samples of a predetermined shade. The quality of each synthesized crystal is confirmed by a certificate.

Growing in the laboratory takes much less time than in natural conditions. The synthesized stone is much cleaner and more transparent than its natural counterparts.

Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry
Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry

To distinguish between natural and artificial gems, ultraviolet light is used. The synthesized gem acquires a brownish tint under the influence of the beam, while the natural gem does not change its color.

The hydrothermal method was developed by German scientists Perret and Ortfel. In 1888 they carried out the first experiments on growing artificial crystals. To avoid competition, the invention was kept secret for a long time.

Growing process

The technique flourished during the Second World War. Due to the inaccessibility of Brazil, the main source of supply of emeralds, the stones had to be synthesized for military needs. In the modern world, hydrothermal jewelry is used in jewelry, radio engineering, and is grown for laser equipment.

Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry
Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry

In the bowels of the earth, natural minerals are formed under the influence of high pressure and temperature. In laboratory conditions, the synthesis takes place in the most approximate setting. It is created by devices. To grow jewelry you need:

  • solution of elements;
  • high pressure;
  • heat;
  • seed crystal.

Natural gems of low quality or waste remaining from processing are ground into powder and dissolved. Particles precipitate and crystallize out of solution at a temperature of 300-600 degrees. High pressure is generated by autoclaves.

The particles of the created stone are attached to a high quality seed plate. A container with a solution is placed in the autoclave for several weeks. In the environment necessary for crystallization, future emeralds spend the time required to form a crystal of the desired size.

Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry
Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry

Application in jewelry

In terms of their properties, synthesized jewelry does not differ much from natural analogs. Blue-green emeralds are recognized as some of the most beautiful. Originals are extremely rare. Jewelers willingly use synthesized stones: they are easily polished and cut.

Scientists grow crystals with predetermined parameters. Such stones allow you to create unique jewelry that has no analogues. A certificate indicating all the materials used, their parameters, the manufacturers attach to each copy of the product.

Two or three stones glued to each other using a special technique are called doublets and triplets. The transparent base of such a sample can be rock crystal or beryl. The front part is colored.

Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry
Hydrothermal emerald: cultivation, use in jewelry

In terms of strength, such specimens are inferior to solid stones. Therefore, in the description, it is necessary to mention the doublet, triplet, and accordingly, the cost of the decoration is also reduced.