How To Check Paternity

How To Check Paternity
How To Check Paternity

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The expectation and birth of a new person into the world is a very important event in the life of both a man and a woman. And if everything is clear with mom, and hardly anyone will have doubts whether she gave birth to this child, then with paternity everything is much more complicated … It often happens that a man doubts whether he is a dad. In this case, you need to know what is needed in order to check paternity.

How to check paternity
How to check paternity

It is necessary

  • Choose a laboratory that conducts molecular genetic examination;
  • Collect material for DNA extraction


Step 1

Acknowledgment of paternity, as a rule, imposes certain responsibilities on the man in relation to the child. This includes spending time together and financial assistance to the child. Because of this, many men who are not married to the child's mother do not always agree to admit that the child is descended from him. Often these men already have a family and do not want to divulge the details of their private life on the side that led to the birth of a new member of society. And it so happens that a man simply doubts and wants to be completely sure that this is his baby. If you want to know exactly whether this is your child, you need to conduct a molecular genetic examination, in other words, DNA analysis. If you want to find out this information only for yourself, then you can contact any laboratory where such studies are carried out.

Step 2

Molecular genetic expertise is based on the knowledge that each person is unique. It means that absolutely identical genomes do not exist. In close relatives, the picture of the structure of genes, although it will differ, but not much. But to distinguish the DNA of strangers for an expert will not be difficult.

In order to determine the degree of relationship at the genetic level, DNA is used. It is usually isolated from the blood. If it is not possible to collect blood for analysis, then other materials are taken - hair, saliva, skin areas.

Step 3

After carrying out all the necessary procedures, it remains only to wait for the result. The average study period is 30-60 days. But in urgent cases, by agreement with the laboratory, the answer can be received faster.
