In the Russian outback, life flows independently of messages from the London Stock Exchange. It has its own unique financial system, where mushrooms and berries are exchanged for vodka. The writer Dima Gorchev has lived in an abandoned village in the Pskov region in recent years.

Children's hobbies
The place of birth forms in a person certain character traits and secret desires. Dmitry Anatolyevich Gorchev was born on September 27, 1963 in a simple Soviet family. Parents lived in the famous city of Tselinograd. The endless steppes of Kazakhstan, dust storms and severe frosts formed a special type of personality out of local children. Dmitry grew up as an inquisitive child, was interested in the surrounding nature and learned to draw early.
I studied well at school. He did not conflict with classmates, but he could not make close friends. He did not refuse public assignments. He was regularly assigned to produce a school wall newspaper. Gorchev did this without much enthusiasm, but he always treated them in good faith. When the time came to decide on a profession, Dmitry decided to get a higher education and entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Pedagogical Institute in Almaty.
Creative searches
After graduation he worked for three years as a German language teacher in a secondary school. Simultaneously with teaching, he drew a lot. In a short period of time, the emphasis in creativity has shifted to the book publishing sphere. It would be more accurate to say that Dmitry began to seriously engage in illustrations for literary works. He left school and for some time worked as a turner at a machine-building enterprise. To make a living, he tried to translate articles from foreign magazines.
Meanwhile, Gorchev's works, both literary and drawn, were noticed and invited to St. Petersburg. Without thinking for a long time, he decided to continue his career in the city on the Neva. For more than five years Dmitry worked in the publishing house "Helikon Plus" as an artist and designer. Over the past period, I learned well how the capital of the Russian provinces lives and breathes. In parallel with the main occupation, he wrote stories and stories. With enthusiasm he developed his account in the "live journal". Dima was respected on the Internet.
Essays on personal life
In a short biography of the artist and writer, it is said that in 2007 he moved to a permanent place of residence in a remote village of the Pskov region. This does not mean that Dmitry broke off his connection with the world and became a hermit. In this context, it should be recalled that the "World Wide Web" allows maintaining relations at a considerable distance from each other. Gorchev continued to communicate with friends, readers and admirers.
Almost everything is known about the personal life of the modern "hermit". Dmitry got married as a student. The husband and wife studied at the same institute. Love arose somehow suddenly. All the hardships that befell them after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they experienced together. The couple raised and raised two children. Dmitry Gorchev passed away in March 2010 after a massive heart attack.