President And Russia

President And Russia
President And Russia

Today, from many citizens of our country, who consider themselves true patriots of the Motherland, one can hear detailed and proud arguments about the great future of the Russian state. And always one of the main conditions for thematic conclusions is the subjective factor of the personality of the President of the Russian Federation. It was with the name of V. V. Russians attribute their success to Putin in the economic, political and social areas of development.

The Union of the President and Russia is unshakable
The Union of the President and Russia is unshakable

The folk epic in our country has always been distinguished by its laconicism and special brutality. Even now, in questions concerning the inviolability of the Russia-Putin connection and, accordingly, the interchangeability of these concepts, one can hear the new name of the Motherland - Putinka. Moreover, negatively-minded "democrats" pejoratively use the name "Putinism", which, according to their version, denotes a new format of state suppression of all types of freedoms in our country. In this regard, it is appropriate to ask the question: "Who needs each other more: Russia or Putin?"

Russia needs Putin

Even assuming that in our country there is a certain alternative hypothetical leader capable of bringing the state system into a comprehensive format necessary for the prosperity of Russia, it is necessary to objectively pay tribute to a specific person who was able to preserve state integrity, find a mechanism for effective interaction between government and business, and develop defense power. and outline a promising development path for the coming decades. But it is not difficult to guess that the entire complex of these global events took place and continues to take place in conditions of constant opposition of the opposition forces.

The weak side of Putin's presidency is mainly called the social block of issues. Of course, the thematic commitments that were voiced during the second term by V. V. Putin, have not been fully implemented, to put it mildly. However, force majeure in the form of both the global financial crisis and the anti-Russian agony associated with the annexation of Crimea and the thorny path to the title of "energy superpower" should be taken into account.

If we imagine the transfer of power in Russia in 2024 to another leader from an alternative political group, then it follows that all the country's efforts during the 21st century will not be considered effective due to the forced reorientation of interests. Such phenomena are very well traced in the example of America, where a change in the country's leadership, as a rule, brings with it new political, economic and social reforms, which primarily imply new significant financial costs. In this aspect, it is the prudence of limited resources that is important. Even if the United States is in a fever with these processes, the economic situation in Russia does not at all imply such an approach.

In short, our country needs a current President. And this is not praise for a political leader, but a simple human calculation that takes into account the interests of the majority. Today one can already hear the opinion that by the time of the next re-election of the President of Russia, a certain political trick will be invented that will help bypass the Constitution in terms of elections for the main post in the country. In this context, we are talking about the unification of Russia and Belarus. In this case, the new state entity will be subject to the same new legal norms, which, naturally, will "reset" the list of Putin's previous posts.

Putin needs Russia

Of course, every citizen of the country needs his homeland. Even against the background of the ongoing cosmopolitan processes in the world, each person involuntarily associates himself with the place of birth and residence. What can we say about a person for whom the country is also the meaning of all life ?! After all, it is difficult to imagine one of the most influential and popular people in the world (and for the past two years he was number 1) without his Russia.

Naturally, Putin will even be able to afford to change his identity and "disappear from the radar" of the world community in order, so to speak, to while away the rest of his life. But this should not happen, if only because of his extraordinary ambitions and complete immersion in his political destiny. It is difficult to imagine such a "giant" (the most famous, influential, wealthy and patriotic leader of all known to mankind in the entire history of its existence) growing vegetables in a dacha near Moscow or, for example, in an exotic foreign land.


You cannot compare Russia with the notorious West, where democracy excludes the long-term presidency of one person, or with Belarus or Kazakhstan, where an important state post can only be compared with the tsarist throne. However, on the face of the established unshakable tandem "Russia-Putin", in which both of its members cannot do without each other. And against the background of mutual interest, a loyal attitude to the current political situation in the country is also possible.
