How To Choose The Right Godparents For Your Baby

How To Choose The Right Godparents For Your Baby
How To Choose The Right Godparents For Your Baby

Many parents make an important decision in their lives when they bring their children to the temple for the latter to receive the ordinance of holy baptism. In the Orthodox tradition, there is a practice of choosing godparents for babies, so a completely logical question may arise as to whom it is desirable to choose as “spiritual parents” for a child.

How to choose the right godparents for your baby
How to choose the right godparents for your baby

What qualities should a godfather have

It should be noted that there is a practice of choosing two godparents - dad and mom. However, in the absence of candidates, one godfather is allowed. For girls - mom, and boy - dad. But even here, if necessary, you can choose a godfather of a person of any gender. The main quality that a spiritual parent should have is the church-going nature of the latter. That is, the godfather must necessarily be not just a “believer”, but also have an idea of the Orthodox faith. This is no coincidence, because the main duty of the godfather can be called teaching the child the Orthodox faith. It is the godparents who are responsible for the child before God. In this regard, it is necessary to point out that the godfather should be close to the family of the baptized person. This is necessary in order to have access to communication with the child. And the more often it happens, the better for both.

In addition to knowing the basics of the Orthodox faith and closeness to the family, it is necessary to note that it is churchly. Many people know about Orthodoxy, but do not have the slightest idea about the meaning of Orthodox life. It is advisable for the godparents to choose the person who attends divine services, who himself often confesses and receives communion. In the future, the godfather has the responsibility to bring the child to church for communion.

Godparents take a vow of renunciation of the devil at the time of baptism and promise to unite with Christ. A person must be responsible and understand the importance of the church sacrament. You cannot be a godfather just to hold a child in your arms. This is a feat of teaching, which is to be borne by an adult throughout his life.

So, the main qualities that a godfather should have are faith, knowledge of Orthodox culture, church-going, responsibility and closeness to the family of the baptized person.

Who can't be godfather (godmother)

If a child has two godparents, then they cannot be married. Even just two familiar godfathers in the future are forbidden by the church to have sexual intercourse with each other, since during the sacrament of baptism a spiritual relationship occurs between them. Accordingly, husband and wife can no longer be godparents.

The parents themselves do not have to be godparents. If the child has no godparents at all (there are such cases), then the priest himself figuratively becomes the godfather to the baby. Foster parents are also not eligible to be adoptive parents.

People of another faith, as well as non-Orthodox representatives of Christian confessions, cannot be godparents. So, a Catholic or Protestant cannot be a godfather for an Orthodox child.

You cannot be the godfather of a representative of sectarianism (this is understandable, many sectarians will not agree to this, since they do not accept the baptism of children).

Of course, it is not recommended to be a godfather and to someone who calls himself a Christian, but has a negative attitude towards the Church, calling himself a believer in his soul. It must be remembered that to whom the Church is not a mother, to him God is not a Father.

The receiver (godfather) cannot be an atheist, even a loyal person to the Church, because he cannot teach a child the Orthodox faith.

In church practice, there are cases when children who have not reached the age of majority become godparents. This is not recommended. That is, a boy at the age of 13 - 16 (or a girl) have not yet formed themselves as a person, and may not have a clear idea of faith. But there may be exceptions if a young boy or girl quite consciously approaches baptism and their duties.
