Which Icon Helps With Diseases

Which Icon Helps With Diseases
Which Icon Helps With Diseases

Various healing and miraculous icons have been known since ancient times. There are many stories and legends that tell how the image of the saint helped people to heal from ailments.

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At present, all the icons that have the glory of miraculous or healing are known to any believer. It is believed that prayers before them about their loved ones or themselves bring a long-awaited healing from the most serious illnesses.

Any icons help

You can pray for the healing of any disease on the icons of famous saints-healers (for example, Saint Pateleymon) and images of the Most Holy Theotokos. One of the most famous healing images is considered to be the icon of the Mother of God "The Hearts of Hearts". It is known that she gave sight to the blind, the ability to walk lame and healed people from other diseases. The icons "Tenderness of Seraphim of Sarov" and the image of the Mother of God "Joy of all who sorrow" are known for their miraculous properties. Often, for healing from ailments, they turn to the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God "Healer", they pray to her for the healing of infertility and the health of children.

In case of eye diseases and even blindness, it is customary to turn to the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" has repeatedly healed people from blindness and showed miraculous properties during cholera epidemics. The icons "Look at Humility" and "Chernigov" (these are images of the Mother of God) also often helped those suffering from eye diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The most famous icons

Suffering pray to the icon of the Three-Handed about problems with their hands. This icon is dedicated to Saint John, according to the biblical story, his hand was cut off, after which the saint began to pray that God would return his hand, since he wrote down letters to it in praise of the Lord. The answer to his prayers was a miracle - the hand grew into place.

Several images that have shown miraculous properties are saved from plague and other epidemics. One of them is the icon of the Mother of God "Bogolyubskaya", she saved many at the end of the 18th century from a pestilence. The images "The Assistant of Sinners", "Feodot'evskaya" and "Sign" are endowed with similar properties.

During a difficult pregnancy or difficult childbirth, it is customary to pray to the icons "Word Plost Byst" and "Mammal", these are also images of the Mother of God. It is believed that they can be consulted in case of problems with conception.

It should be noted that, despite the miraculous properties of icons, ordinary human medicine should not be neglected. There is no need to start sickness in the hope of getting healing through prayer and repentance. Taking care of your own health is one of the responsibilities of an adult, healthy person. It is not for nothing that there is a saying “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself”.