What Are The Prophecies Of The Elders About The End Times

What Are The Prophecies Of The Elders About The End Times
What Are The Prophecies Of The Elders About The End Times

There are several prophecies about the end of the world. These prophecies appeared when the Almighty decided to open the veil of the future for his chosen children and tell people about what would happen in the last times. The blessed elders who renounced everything earthly and thereby brought themselves closer to God became the chosen ones. And if the time of the end of the world is hidden, then a lot has been said about the events of the last times.

Saint Anthony
Saint Anthony

Prophecies of the ancient elders

The Old Testament prophets clearly foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ, but they often confused this event with the coming end of the world. Many of them thought that the coming of Christ would mark the end of history. In fact, the coming of Christ is only the beginning of the judgment, the completion of which will occur at the end of times. The most ancient prophet Amos predicted the day of visiting God and did not advise the children of Israel to hope that the coming would be a holiday for them.

Isaiah of Jerusalem, who lived in the 8th century BC, gave people the concept of the struggle and victory of God over evil. Humanity received a picture of its future life: a lamb peacefully adjacent to a wolf, and the prospect of a complete deliverance of the world from sins. Like all early prophecies, the prediction of Isaiah of Jerusalem is closely related to the coming of Jesus Christ. Vice claims that through the coming of the Savior, a person will be cleansed and receive the opportunity to atone for his sins.

New Testament

Jesus Christ himself speaks of the last times. According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the Lord predicted his own second coming. He said that if the first time he came as the Savior, then the second time he would come as a strict judge. His appearance will not be missed: all people will instantly know what is happening. According to Christ, disaster and strife await believers in the last times, the Gospel will be preached to all nations, and each person will have the opportunity to come to Christ until the end of time.

The Revelation of John the Evangelist describes the upcoming events in more detail. John speaks of the Apocalypse as a grand battle between good and evil. According to Revelation, Christ will come a second time in order to smite sinners and raise the righteous to heaven. It also says that at the end of times the Antichrist will also come - the son of the devil, who has received power over the weak in spirit. As a result of a tremendous struggle, people will discover the truth.

Prophecies of the Elders and Schemas of Later Times

The Monk Elder Seraphim Vyritsky linked the Apocalypse with the future of Russia. According to him, after a short-term prosperity, Russia will fall into the hands of the Antichrist and will be divided into parts. Many Christian believers will be killed, Siberia will be invaded by the Chinese, the West will provoke the start of a civil war. If the Russian people cannot repent in time, then the brother will go against the brother. After a bloody struggle, few will survive, but those who survive will find themselves in a completely different, wonderful world.

Elder Paisius of Athos also linked upcoming events with China. He said that in order for the army to pass, the Euphrates must dry up, and for this river to dry up, it would be quite enough if each of the Chinese soldiers drank a glass of water from there. Elder Paisios argued that one should see signs in what is happening, instead of waiting for a miracle. He also said that the unrighteous Pope would come to Rome, who would order his children to follow the Antichrist.
