Actor Boris Plotnikov: Biography, Personal Life, Creativity

Actor Boris Plotnikov: Biography, Personal Life, Creativity
Actor Boris Plotnikov: Biography, Personal Life, Creativity

Boris Plotnikov today can rightfully be considered the "dark horse" of Russian cinema. On the one hand, his films in the most successful projects speak for themselves, and on the other hand, the artist himself considers himself to be a theater actor. And if you add here and very scant information about his personal life, you get a real "invisible man".

recognizable, but not fully recognized
recognizable, but not fully recognized

The talented actor of Russian theater and cinema is one of the most popular artists of Soviet and Russian cinema. And his role as Bormental in Vladimir Bortko's film Heart of a Dog is significant for fans of the middle and older generations.

Biography and work of Boris Plotnikov

The future famous artist was born in the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk Region, on April 2, 1949, into a family far from theatrical art. Boris Plotnikov's father was a mechanic, and his mother was a process engineer. But, in spite of the environment surrounding the boy, from childhood he discovered in himself a musical talent. However, after graduating from high school, Boris was unable to continue his education at the Sverdlovsk Conservatory, as he failed the entrance exams.

Perhaps this incident brought Plotnikov more respect from fate, because he did not lower his head, but successfully entered the local theater school for a course with the teacher Yuri Zhigulsky. And then there was the Sverdlovsk Youth Theater and more than thirty roles for a ten-year stay in this institution, including the classics.

After moving to Moscow, the actor entered the service at the Moscow Satire Theater, where at first he dubbed Andrei Mironov. Here theater-goers could appreciate the successful performance of Plotnikov in the performances "The Cherry Orchard", "Shadows", "Repair", "Phenomena", "Mad Money".

Ten years later, the artist joined the troupe of the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army, where his successful premiere in the production of Leonid Kheifits' The Idiot in the role of Prince Myshkin, consolidated him in the main cast for 12 years. At the beginning of the 2000s, Boris Plotnikov began working in the troupe of Oleg Tabakov at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov.

But the actor earned special recognition from domestic fans after all in the cinema, which is eloquently indicated by his very diverse filmography: "Ascent" (1976), "Emelyan Pugachev" (1978), "Dulcinea Tobosskaya" (1980), "Mikhailo Lomonosov" (1986), "Lermontov" (1986), "Cold summer of the fifty-third …" (1987), "Gobsek" (1987), "Heart of a Dog" (1988), "Ramskol" (1993), "Empire under attack" (2000), Shadowboxing (2005), Pushkin. The last duel "(2006)," Gift "(2011)," Everyone has their own war "(2011)," Fighters. The Last Battle "(2015)," Wings of the Empire "(2017).

However, the artist himself considers himself more of a theater actor than a movie, constantly mentioning this on occasion.

Personal life of the actor

Boris Plotnikov is considered one of the most "private" contemporary artists. Information about his family life can be summed up in two words as "He is married." On the one hand, this is very correct, because it is very difficult for public people to find their own corner of rest without the light of spotlights. But from a different angle, such an attitude towards his personal life can be regarded as modesty and increased isolation.
