Springfeld Pavel Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Springfeld Pavel Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Springfeld Pavel Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Pavel Springfeld became popular after taking part in the filming of the film "Hearts of Four". And yet there were few big roles in his creative biography. Basically, Pavel Alexandrovich became famous as a master of the episode. In his life, there were also gloomy situations, which helped to cope with the support of friends.

Pavel Alexandrovich Springfeld
Pavel Alexandrovich Springfeld

From the biography of Pavel Alexandrovich Springfeld

The future popular actor was born in Yekaterinodar (now Krasnodar) on January 21, 1912. Pavel's father came from Germans. He worked as a watchmaker. Mother worked for wealthy peasants, and then worked as a laundress. They lived modestly, the family could not afford any excesses.

In 1928, Pavel graduated from eight classes of school and went to work at an oil mill in Krasnodar. Here he enrolled in a drama club. The talented young man was later sent by the head of the amateur performances to study in the capital of the USSR.

Career in theater

In 1930 Springfeld began to study at the Moscow Theater Institute. After graduating from high school in 1933, Pavel served at the Theater of Working Youth and at the Mossovet Theater.

The actor was busy in both his favorite comic and dramatic roles. For example, he played Pavel Korchagin in Ostrovsky's play How the Steel Was Tempered.

Springfeld did not receive significant roles in the Mossovet Theater. As a result, Pavel's theatrical career did not really work out.

Creativity in cinematography

At the end of the 30s, he decided to try his hand at cinema. His film debut was the role of the thief Vaska in the film by Mark Donskoy "My Universities".

When the war with the Nazis began, Springfeld was evacuated to Alma-Ata. Here he worked as an actor at the Central United Film Studio. In 1945, the actor returned from evacuation and until the end of his life worked in the Theater-Studio of the film actor.

At the theater, Pavel also met his future wife. She was Claudia Khabarova, an actress. In 1959, the couple had a daughter, Evdokia. Subsequently, she graduated from the film studies faculty of VGIK, was engaged in publishing and became the head of one of the departments of the Kommersant newspaper.

One of the most significant works of Springfeld is the role of Zavartsev in the famous comedy "Hearts of Four". The picture was a success with audiences in the Soviet Union and beyond. One of the foreign newspapers even compared Springfeld with the American comedian Buster Keaton.

Over the years, Pavel Alexandrovich was firmly entrenched in the role of a master of a small episode. During his career, he starred in more than a hundred films. An interesting fact: for screen tests and films, the actor made up himself. He loved to take part in filming in the Kuban. Springfeld also traveled extensively throughout the USSR with concerts.

In the 50s, Springfeld was arrested on a false denunciation and sent to a camp. The actress Valentina Serova, with whom Pavel Alexandrovich was friends, took part in his fate. With the help of her influential husband, Konstantin Simonov, Serova achieved the release of Springfeld. For some time he even lived in the apartment of the actress.

Pavel Springfeld passed away on October 2, 1971. His final film work was the role of a cloakroom attendant in the comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune". The actor did not have time to see himself on the screen - the picture was released after his death.
