Life: Reality, Virtuality And Dreams

Life: Reality, Virtuality And Dreams
Life: Reality, Virtuality And Dreams

Modern man is very concerned with the problem of improving the quality of his life. But this aspect depends not only on maximum adaptation in society, but also on one's own perception of oneself in difficult conditions of the external world. That is why it is important to maintain the harmony of your inner world with those rules and guidelines that have been developed by a collective public decision.

Man is what he thinks about himself
Man is what he thinks about himself

It is quite obvious that the quality of human life depends on such aspects of his perception of the external and internal worlds as reality, virtuality and dreams (life in a state of sleep). Indeed, in order to achieve a state of happiness, each individual needs an exceptionally peculiar and unique set of life priorities, in which the attitudes aimed at his (individual's) psychological comfort will work with maximum efficiency. That is, any person's state of happiness is associated with his unique concepts of life priorities, reaching which he becomes the owner of complete satisfaction, excluding any nervous tension and discontent.


The external world is perceived by each subject with its inherent uniqueness. However, it is customary to consider a person to be a collective being, and therefore the traditional rules of perception of reality have for each representative of society quite obvious patterns and definitions. This is primarily due to the fact that out of all the variety of decisions made, each person was certainly forced to make exactly those that are focused on the collective interest, and not on his own desires. In this context, it is altruism that is placed on the pedestal of collective priorities, humiliating individual egoism.

Thus, the real world at the level of social structure is focused on creating a safe balance of collective education, which ensures the creation of an orderly state of interaction between many individuals. In other words, the selfish chaos of individual people's priorities is transformed in social (collective) education into a form of relationship when individual decisions taken take into account the primacy of utility, so to speak, "for all members of society."

The real world is focused on teamwork
The real world is focused on teamwork

The rules of “collective utility” are directly related to the inanimate world and to other forms of organic life, corresponding to the concept of “orderliness”. In this regard, it is interesting to project onto reality the logical principle of the conscious function, according to which paradoxes on the scale of the entire legislative initiative of the universe can be considered only as a “shadow zone” not covered by the sphere of human understanding.

That is, it is the paradoxes that stand in the way of the progressive perception of the laws of the universe, despite the fact that ignorant reasoning regularly tries to persuade society to become aware of irrationality and a certain concept of the supernatural, which is supposedly characterized by illogical (illegal or irrational) manifestations of the interconnections of the material world. It turns out that it is the paradoxes that force the collective mind to perceive the real world in all its diversity, including areas that go beyond the limits of adequate perception.

Summary: the life format of the real world is based on collective intelligence, based on the balance of interaction, and paradoxes.


The virtual world has a different, so to speak, "depth of immersion" characteristic of both extroverts (realists) and introverts (virtuals). It is the internal organization of a person that implies his synchronization with the external world. Indeed, without the psychological adaptation of each individual to the conditions of the surrounding reality, it is impossible to establish a balance in the entire society. This rule applies to any material structure of the universe. Therefore, it is quite obvious that virtuality allows you to create a multiple "safety cushion" of society.

In addition, the variety of virtual worlds (according to the number of carriers of the conscious function) allows the formation of the multiverse in all its manifestations. Each person, adapting to the outside world, forms his own speculative structure of the universe, in which the negative aspect and the impossibility of achieving the goal are completely absent.

The virtual world is too selfish
The virtual world is too selfish

Therefore, the virtual world is not characterized by the presence of paradoxes, and the entire legislative initiative of this "conditional" construction is based on those principles that are most acceptable to the individual creator. In this dimension, as they say, “the impossible becomes possible”, since those rules of interaction of mental structures are added to the laws of the real world, which, according to the logic of the most concrete carrier of the conscious function, are able to ensure the achievement of the tasks set.

Summary: the life format of the virtual world is based on the individual (unique) characteristics of a person's inner world and excludes the presence of paradoxes.


In addition to the real and virtual worlds, carriers of the conscious function spend a significant amount of time in a state of sleep in the process of their lives. This physiological mode of brain activity is characterized by such a state of conscious function when information in the cerebral cortex, received in the waking state due to the formation of neural connections, is converted (compressed or encoded in a compact form) for storage in deeper parts of the brain (memory cells).

On the one hand, a person's consciousness in a state of sleep is unconscious, but on the other hand, information fields during the transformation of actual information can collide with that emotional background, which also has wave energy parameters, which was formed as psychological tension. In other words, all the feelings, worries and experiences associated with solving any problems facing the individual in reality are superimposed on the normal work of the brain in a state of sleep, which leads to dreams.

Thus, dreams are inherently a by-product of the conscious functioning in the dream state. In this regard, the activity of various kinds of interpreters of dreams becomes incomprehensible, because in their essence dreams are illogical fragments of consciousness that do not have any common sense at all. And all possible coincidences that arose during their interpretation should be perceived only as a consequence of an effective analysis of the initial information.

In a dream, a person lives immediately in reality and virtuality
In a dream, a person lives immediately in reality and virtuality

It should be understood that dreams have incorporated the qualitative characteristics of the work of the conscious function in a state of interaction, both with the external world and with the internal one. For example, in a dream, the work of a conscious function excludes the presence of paradoxes, which is characteristic of virtuality, but it is also dependent on the laws of the real world in terms of the formation of collective forms of interaction based on the legislative initiative of the universe.

Summary: the life format of a person in a state of dreams is based on a collective mind that excludes paradoxes.

How to live right

Apparently, the real and virtual worlds have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, it cannot be denied that reality is focused on mutually beneficial cooperation of the collective community, and virtuality strives to achieve maximum comfort, guided exclusively by selfish considerations. In addition, in a state of sleep, a person continues to lead a lifestyle in which his conscious function forms a kind of structure in which two worlds are trying to coexist: external and internal.

As a result, in order to achieve maximum comfort in life, a person should take into account these features of the work of the conscious function and constantly emphasize in favor of such an aspect in which there is an obvious deficit. That is, you cannot constantly fight for survival in the real world without damage to your psyche. It is necessary to regularly immerse yourself in your conditional "Introversion" (derived from the word "introvert"), where maximum mental comfort is provided and those mental tensions that are constant companions of a modern person, whose real world is developing very dynamically today, are "zeroed out".
