Children Of Scarlett Johansson: Photo

Children Of Scarlett Johansson: Photo
Children Of Scarlett Johansson: Photo

American actress Scarlett Johansson is well known to moviegoers. She starred in many famous film projects: Match Point, Lost in Translation, The Avengers, Iron Man 2, Lucy. Working in films did not prevent Scarlett from becoming a wonderful mother, raising her daughter Rose Dorothy, who will turn five in 2019.

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson

In 2014, Johansson secretly married journalist Romain Doriac. Young people met before for two years, carefully hiding their relationship. They decided to legalize the marriage a month after the birth of their daughter Rose.

The happy family life did not last long. Two years later, the couple broke up, and a year later they officially divorced. After that, Scarlett filed a lawsuit to obtain full custody of Rose.

Short biography of Johansson

The future actress was born in New York. Her grandfather Einer was a writer, director and screenwriter. My father worked as an architect, and my mother was engaged in housekeeping. Later, my mother became Scarlett's personal manager, when she had already begun her career in cinema.

Scarlett has a twin brother, Hunter, who was born three minutes later than her, sister Vanessa, who also became an actress, brother Adrian and half-brother Christian. The twin brother once starred with his sister in the movie "Thieves", but this is where his cinematic career ended.

Already in childhood, Scarlett began to take auditions and various castings. Mom really wanted her daughter to become an actress, and made every effort for this. The girl played her first role at the age of eight in a New York theater.

Scarlett was a very impressionable child. Perhaps the reason for this was the divorce of the parents, because of which the girl was very worried. When she began to audition for roles in commercials, she absolutely could not cope with rejections, perceiving each of them as a terrible tragedy. Therefore, my mother had to give up for a while from attending auditions in advertising agencies and limit herself only to auditions for roles in films.

At the age of nine, Scarlett landed a role in her first film. But even then, her emotional state did not change. The girl was constantly sad. It was enough just to raise her voice a little, she could immediately burst into tears. Therefore, the director had a difficult time with the little actress.

Johansson studied at the Professional Children's School. Then she was invited to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). She intended to continue her studies at New York University's Tisch School for the arts, but could not enroll. After that, the girl completely immersed herself in creativity.

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson

Interesting facts from the life of the actress

Scarlett's pedigree has Russian, Jewish and Danish roots. Her father is Danish. Mom was born into a Russian-Jewish family that once lived in Russia, but then emigrated to the United States.

Scarlett started smoking as a teenager and was never able to cope with the bad habit. Perhaps her voice, which has a little hoarseness, became so precisely because of this. She smokes the thinnest female Capri cigarettes.

In some interviews, Scarlett said that her hobby is dermatology. She can spend hours looking through books and magazines on skin care, as well as documentaries. It already seems to her that she knows everything about proper care and could even work as a dermatologist.

Scarlett suffers from a very unusual phobia. She is scared to death of cockroaches. This is called blattophobia. It all started with the fact that once she woke up, opened her eyes and saw a cockroach on her face. This frightened the girl so much that since then the fear gradually turned into a phobia. Scarlett also dislikes birds and prefers not to approach them.

Scarlett Johansson with her daughter
Scarlett Johansson with her daughter

In the movie "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Scarlett starred while pregnant. To hide the rounded belly, I had to resort to computer graphics.

She was denied the lead role in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo due to the fact that Johansson is too beautiful, which contradicts the description of the main character.

Personal life of the actress

There were many rumors about Scarlett's novels. They said that she met with many famous representatives of show business: Josh Hartnett, Jared Leto and Benicio del Toro, Mark Wahlberg, Justin Timberlake.

In 2008, Johansson married Ryan Reynolds. Their marriage lasted only two years and ended in divorce. After breaking up with Ryan, Scarlett had a fleeting affair with Sean Pen.

In 2012, Scarlett met journalist Romain Doriak. They dated for two years and got married in secret in 2014. A month before the wedding, the couple had a daughter. The happy family life did not last long. In 2017, the couple officially divorced.

Actress Scarlett Johansson and her daughter
Actress Scarlett Johansson and her daughter

Favorite daughter of Rose Dorothy

Rose was born in the fall of 2014. For the next year, no information about the girl appeared in the media. Parents carefully concealed their family life from annoying reporters. But still, at the end of 2015, several photos of Scarlett and her daughter got into the newspapers.

The actress then gave her first interview after Rose was born and explained what motherhood meant to her. The actress said that she was madly in love with her daughter, but could not even imagine how difficult it turns out to be a good mother.

Johansson quickly got into shape, and many fans have repeatedly wondered how she managed to recover so quickly after childbirth. Scarlett once replied that breastfeeding helped her lose weight and nothing else. In the first months, she was not at all interested in how she looked, because the only thing she did was take care of Rose.

Scarlett Johansson and Rose Dorothy
Scarlett Johansson and Rose Dorothy

After a divorce from her husband, Scarlett moved to Los Angeles with her daughter. Her ex-husband also went there. Scarlett filed a lawsuit to become the sole guardian of her daughter. However, Romain's relatives do not agree with this and want the girl to be brought up in her father's family. Legal proceedings are still ongoing, and so far the couple cannot find a compromise on this issue.
