Agneta Feltskog: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Agneta Feltskog: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Agneta Feltskog: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Beautiful, talented, sexy - this is how fans of the Swedish group ABBA remembered Agneta Feltskog. The appearance and beautiful voice of the soloist made her a dream for many men.

Agneta Feltskog
Agneta Feltskog

The singer was born on April 5, 1950 in the small Swedish town of Jenchepig. The family of the future Swedish pop star is quite ordinary. His mother was a housewife, and his father worked in a department store, which did not prevent him from showing great interest in the world of show business.

Children's creativity

Under the influence of her father, the girl dreams of becoming a singer, and the presence of all abilities only contributed to this. She wrote her first song at the age of 6. A little later, he begins to attend a music school. The church choir also does not disregard. Unsuccessful attempts to create her own musical group only make the girl stronger.

Having dropped out of school, the future star gets a job. At the same time, she makes her first steps at Bengt Engharts. Agnet gained her popularity thanks to the song "I wassoin love", which she wrote at the age of 18. The song won first places in the charts not only in Sweden, but also in other countries.

Star career

The main event in the singer's career was participation in ABBA. There she sang with her boyfriend. In addition to them, another couple participated in the group. The team did not manage to gain popularity right away. Having released the album "Ring, ring", the talented group found themselves at the height of their glory. Winning the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest marked a watershed moment in ABBA's history.

Tours, new hits, fame, all this accompanied the group for several years. As a result, a record: more than 375 million records were sold. The sparkling creativity of the group continued for a long time, but by the mid-eighties the ensemble broke up. Having released an album called "The Visitors", the performers just went their separate ways.

It is not surprising that the singer plunged into a deep depression. She felt exhausted from the intense touring life, the constant attention of the fans. She lost her desire to be creative. Attempts to pursue a solo career ended in fiasco. Only after a long hiatus of 17 years, she managed to release the successful album "My Coloring Book". Later, another album "A" was released, in which new songs written by Agneta herself were sounded.

Personal life

On account of the star there are several unsuccessful marriages. From the first union with Bjorn Ulveus, Agneta gave birth to two children: a son and a daughter. The second marriage was also unsuccessful. And about the third, the famous performer does not want to remember at all, because her husband turned out to be a tyrant and pursued her even after separation. Currently, the singer has settled in Stockholm and pays a lot of attention to her grandchildren. Not so long ago, information appeared that the members of the "AVVA" group are together again and are preparing a new innovative tour, which is to take place in 2019.
