What's Mankind's Biggest Secret

What's Mankind's Biggest Secret
What's Mankind's Biggest Secret

The history of mankind, like its very existence, keeps many secrets and mysteries. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is the greatest secret of our civilization. Nevertheless, there are several of the most interesting and mysterious options.

What's Mankind's Biggest Secret
What's Mankind's Biggest Secret

Who are we and where are we from?

Many researchers believe that the greatest mystery of mankind is its very existence. Unfortunately or fortunately, Darwin's theory, according to which the ancestors of man were anthropoid apes, has not been confirmed. Namely, the evolutionary link between the ape and man was never found. A person just once appeared from somewhere, which still causes a lot of controversy in the scientific world.

Darwin's theory aside, there are two theories that are somewhat very similar. The origins of the first go to religion - according to the beliefs of many people, man was created by God. According to the second theory, man was created by an alien civilization, while the terrestrial anthropoid apes were taken as a basis. That is why scientists cannot find the missing link between man and ape, it simply did not exist.

Is there life after death?

Another mystery that has worried the minds of people for thousands of years is the belief in the existence of an immortal soul. The belief that after the death of a person his soul remains alive is present in the beliefs of various peoples. Can we assume that all this is nothing more than delusion?

There is a large amount of evidence indirectly proving the existence of life after death. These include the stories of people who have experienced clinical death, the experience of people who have learned to leave the body, the existence of ghosts, studies of the brain - scientists have not been able to find that part of it that is responsible for the existence of consciousness, etc. etc.

There are so many different testimonies that it is no longer possible to ignore them with all the desire. More and more scientists are inclined to believe that a person, in addition to a physical body, also has an energy shell. It is she who is the true guardian of human consciousness and is preserved after death. But so far no one has been able to unequivocally prove whether this is true or not.

If the human soul is truly immortal, and one day it will be possible to prove it, humanity will make a tremendous leap forward. Almost everything will change, and first of all, the values that a person is guided by in his life. Understanding that life does not end with death will make a person think about spiritual development, about how he will come to another world and what awaits him there.

For the overwhelming majority of people, no doubt, the issue of human origin is much less important than belief or disbelief in life after death. Therefore, the greatest secret of humanity, its greatest mystery, it will still be logical to recognize the question of the existence of an immortal soul.
