Alexander Savitsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Alexander Savitsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alexander Savitsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The reality is always more interesting and more dramatic than the plots described in the novels. Soviet writer Alexander Savitsky lived a long and eventful life. He spoke about a lot in his books.

Alexander Savitsky
Alexander Savitsky

At the front and behind enemy lines

In the award list, which was completed on November 27, 1943, it is noted that Comrade Savitsky is worthy of the government award of the Order of the Red Star. Fulfilling the order of the commander, a fighter of the partisan detachment "Death to Fascism" planted explosives under the railroad tracks. After the explosion, the train with the military equipment and manpower of the enemy went off the rails and caught fire. Talking about the events of the wartime, Alexander Anufrievich first of all spoke about his comrades in arms. He did not push his merits to the fore, and did not brag about his heroism.


The future writer was born on January 8, 1924 in the family of a career officer of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Polotsk. The boy was prepared from an early age for an independent life. Along with his peers, Alexander was brought up as a future soldier. When the war began, events developed rapidly. A few days later, the enemies occupied the city, and the young man found himself in the occupied territory. In the fall of 1941 Savitsky got in touch with the partisans.


Creative activity

The biography of Alexander Savitsky is divided into two unequal segments. In the first, which lasted three years, he was in the ranks of the Red Army and could die at any moment. But he did not die, although he received three wounds, one of which was serious. After the war, during a peaceful period, he worked to rebuild the destroyed country and was engaged in literary creativity. Alexander published his first short story in 1943 on the pages of the partisan newspaper "Chyrvonaya Zvyazda". He wrote down front-line notes on paper, which came under the hands of a chemical pencil.


The front-line soldier, who returned to his hometown after the Victory, was accepted as an employee in the editorial office of the Bolshevitsky Banner newspaper. In 1948, Savitsky published his first prose work on the pages of this edition. In 1958 he received a specialized education at the Literary Institute. The writer's creative career was going well. In his stories and novellas, the author tried to convey to the younger generation the meaning of the historical events that took place on the territory of his native country.


Recognition and privacy

For participation in hostilities on the fronts of the Patriotic War, Alexander Savitsky was awarded the Orders of Glory and Red Star. As the author of the documentary story "I Compare Life to Time", he was awarded the prize of the Union of Writers of the USSR. The writer's works were translated into Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian, Uzbek and Slovak languages.

The writer's personal life can be told in a nutshell. He lived his entire adult life in a legal marriage. The husband and wife raised two children. Alexander Savitsky passed away in October 2015.