What Is Humanity

What Is Humanity
What Is Humanity

Humanity means humanity, philanthropy, the opposite of cruelty. In a broad sense, it is a system of moral attitudes, a set of life rules of behavior that presuppose the need for sympathy, altruism, assistance, and non-suffering.

What is humanity
What is humanity

The development of humanism began during the Renaissance. It was then that thoughts of tolerance and respect for all people arose. Humanity, first of all, provides for a condescending attitude towards others, their actions. Everyone, even a criminal, is entitled to a second chance. The ideas of humanity got their form in the era of neo-humanism. The term itself was introduced into circulation by the German teacher Niethammer in 1808. A synonym for humanity is the ability to empathize with others. Without mutual respect and humane attitude, it is impossible to build a strong state and a highly moral society. The idea of humanity is clearly formulated in almost all religions - you need to treat others the same way you treat yourself. To do this, you need to learn to accept the other person completely, with all its advantages and disadvantages. That is, the essence of humanity is in the acceptance and understanding of another person. This quality helps to harmonize the inner world of a person, it ennobles mental experiences. Humanity limits and restrains various destructive manifestations of the human psyche. The formation of humanity is associated with the development of self-awareness, when a child begins to distinguish himself from the social environment. Joint activity, involving the cooperation of the child with adults and peers, is of great importance in the development of humanity. Such activities create a community of emotional experiences. Changing positions in communication and play forms a humane, humane attitude towards others in the child. Humanization of the worldview has a positive effect on cognitive and creative abilities. Such people develop a flexible picture of the world, what is happening around them is perceived more objectively, impartially. A person gets rid of rigid attitudes, in addition, he begins to develop himself in parallel.
