Rudeness, body kit and shortcuts, as well as other shortcomings that we, unfortunately, often encounter in stores, cause a desire to respond to them not only verbally, but also to officially record the violation of your rights. This can be done using a book of reviews and suggestions, or a complaint book, as it is commonly called. How do you state your complaint in this book?
Step 1
The complaint book should be located at the information stand in free access for the store's visitors. Nevertheless, if it is not in your field of vision, feel free to demand the book from any store employee. Refusal to provide a complaint book is an administrative offense, so if the book is not given to you, threaten to write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor or the society for the protection of consumer rights. Excuses from sellers that the complaint book was allegedly temporarily transferred for verification or for making copies is a lie, according to the law, the book cannot be withdrawn from the store.
Step 2
In addition to the complaint book itself, demand that you create the necessary conditions for making an entry in it: the store administration must provide you with a chair, a table and a pen so that you can make such a note.
Step 3
At the same time, the administration of the store has no right to demand anything from you: neither the presentation of identity documents, nor an explanation of the reasons why you decided to write your complaint.
Step 4
The form of entry in the complaint book is arbitrary. Try to summarize your complaints about the store in a short and clear way.
Step 5
In addition to the record, you can leave your contact information, in particular your home address - in this case, the store administration is obliged to inform you about the measures taken on your complaint within five days. The consideration of your complaint can be controlled by simply looking in a couple of days in the same complaint book, in which the store administration must reflect information on the consideration of the complaint on the merits.