What Are The Rules Of International Etiquette

What Are The Rules Of International Etiquette
What Are The Rules Of International Etiquette

Etiquette is the rules of polite behavior adopted in a civilized society. The types of modern etiquette have evolved over the centuries. One of them is international, which is an important element in communicating with representatives of another nation. You should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

International etiquette is the foundation of international relations
International etiquette is the foundation of international relations

All countries have their own rules of etiquette, rules and laws. With regard to international etiquette, the basic rules of etiquette are universal in the framework of international communication. The rules of courtesy adopted in international etiquette can be either exactly the same or very similar. But not always! There are also loopholes in international etiquette.

Basic rules of international etiquette

It is imperative to know that in certain countries there are differences in behavior, which are due to religious, traditional and historical characteristics. It is worth treating this with understanding and respect, because these traditions and foundations have been formed in this or that country for thousands of years! Not knowing any specific (specific) rules of etiquette for a particular nation, you can get into a mess.

France. According to international etiquette, there is no need to expect any financial generosity from the French in paying certain bills. It is customary for them to pay for themselves independently. It's all about their economy.

The rules of international etiquette require a person who has visited a foreign country to be aware of everything: to have at least some idea of national traditions, to know the culture of this people, its basic way of life and demeanor. An additional plus will be awareness of the political views of local residents. That is, just knowing the language of the country to which the person went is not enough.

So, the basis of international etiquette is a complex interweaving of customs and traditions of a given nation. All this is called the national cultural basis.

International etiquette in England

The British are a reserved people in conversation. International etiquette prescribes not asking them too personal questions, and also not trying to directly express your own thoughts. This will be, by their standards, the height of tactlessness. In general, representatives of the English nation use hints. That is why their conversations are full of innuendo and hidden subtext.

Sitting at a table in England, you should not fold your hands on it - they should be kept on your knees. The cutlery must be held like this: the knife is in the right hand, and the fork is in the left. You cannot shift them from hand to hand. It is considered bad form to put individual pieces of food on your fork. You also need to make sure that food from the fork does not fall into the plate - the British do not welcome this.

Spain. During the fiesta (afternoon break), the Spaniard should not be disturbed by talking about politics, bullfighting, or his personal life. The Spaniard should be visited at this time only as a last resort.

If, for example, there is a company of four people at the table, then it is indecent and impolite to conduct a separate conversation between one of these persons. The fact is that in this case the conversation should concern everyone present. Each of them should listen to the speech of the other, in every possible way supporting him and not interrupting the conversation. In England, excessive hand gestures at the table are also discouraged.

International etiquette in Germany

The German people take their life very seriously. That is why the Germans are painfully pedantic, economical and punctual people. The Germans generally do not accept any manifestations of frivolity. In addition, the German nation is distinguished by its straightforwardness. They do not like to avoid "uncomfortable" questions, wag, etc.

For the most part, Germans do not forgive deception or any overlooked negligence. If, for example, a German disagrees with the others in something, he will immediately declare this. On the basis of these and other qualities of the German nation, international etiquette instructs foreigners to react correctly to such behavior of the German people and behave, if possible, in unison with them.
