Acting can be learned. But in order to achieve the recognition of the audience and the respect of colleagues, it is necessary to maintain a stable creative form. Natalia Tenyakova worked on stage and on the set under the guidance of outstanding directors.

Starting conditions
The Russian theater differs from foreign temples of art for its originality and talented performers. Natalya Tenyakova is one of those actresses, good and different, who are the pride of Russian art. Natalya Maksimovna was born on July 3, 1944 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in Leningrad, which was just recovering from the blockade. The child grew and developed in difficult conditions. From an early age, the girl was used to helping her mother around the house, trying to be neat and efficient.
Natasha studied well at school. Her favorite subjects were history and literature. It is important to note that a theater studio operated in the House of Pioneers, not far from the house. For young Tenyakova, this neighborhood turned out to be fateful. She went to rehearsals with great desire, taught roles and prepared stage costumes. I carefully observed how the participants in the performances live and what goals they set for themselves in the future. Father insisted that Natalya become a teacher. But the daughter had already seen herself only on stage and in the lead role.
The path to the profession
Having received a certificate of maturity in 1961, Natalya entered the local institute of theater, music and cinematography. Together with her on the course, many famous cultural figures received specialized education. Among others, Lev Dodin stood out, who grew up into a famous director. Student years flashed by. The certified actress Tenyakova entered the service at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. From the very first days she was introduced to the performances "Threepenny Opera" and "Days of Our Lives".
The stage career of the young actress developed slowly, without bright ups and painful failures. Literally a year later, Tenyakov was invited to the Bolshoi Drama Theater. It was not only a great honor, but also a huge responsibility. Today we can say that the difficulties on the stage and in the dressing room did not frighten the actress at all. She worked with full dedication and achieved her goal. She spent almost twelve years at the BDT before moving to the Mother See.
Essays on personal life
Biography of Natalia Tenyakova is divided into two parts - Leningrad and Moscow. In 1979 she was invited to the Mossovet Theater. The actress got a lot of creativity. She had already chosen suitable roles herself. Plus, Tenyakov began to be invited to the cinema. Nationwide recognition was brought to her by the role of Baba Shura in the film "Love and Doves". By her own admission, the actress does not seek to work in films. Under equal conditions, preference is given to the theater.
The personal life of Natalia Tenyakova has developed happily. The first time she got married was not very successful. But the second marriage turned out to be strong and long. Natalya Maksimovna met Sergei Yursky at a rehearsal. Everything. Further words are not needed. Husband and wife have lived under one roof in love and harmony for almost fifty years. Raised a daughter. In February 2019, Sergei Yursky passed away.