Singer, actress, composer - all these life roles were successfully tried on by Natalia Vlasova. Music entered her life early. And when Natasha felt that she could compose herself, new creative horizons opened up for her. The singer manages to combine her musical activities with participation in projects of high social significance. Natalia believes that only in this way will she be able to fulfill her mission - to give people joy.

Natalia Vlasova: facts from the biography
The popular singer was born on September 27, 1978. Natalia Vlasova was born in Leningrad. Her family lived here. She considers this city to be the best place on the planet. It was here that she recorded her first song. From here I went to conquer the capital.
The compositions performed by Natalia are her own feelings, her thoughts. She is always deeply aware of what she is singing about. Vlasova's songs are listened to by a wide variety of audiences. And more than once she was summoned for an encore. At such moments, the singer feels really happy. And she does not need other awards.
Five years old, Natasha Vlasova had already attended a music school, where she mastered the piano with diligence and diligence. After 4 years, the girl felt like a real artist: she was entrusted to perform Chopin's composition on the big stage. From that moment on, the fate of Natalia was completely determined - now she could not imagine life outside the stage.
At the age of 14, N. Vlasova improved her education at the school at the conservatory. And soon, to my surprise, I realized that she was able to create songs herself. The first was a tragic romance that the girl actually created in an argument with her dad. So her song activity began.
The singer's career and work
Shortly before the beginning of the new millennium, Natalia found herself on the qualifying round of Songs of the Year, for which she prepared her composition I am at Your Feet, which quickly made the girl famous. Then there was participation in the "Golden Gramophone". The result is two awards.
Once Vlasova received an invitation from A. Pugacheva to the "Christmas meetings". Here the premiere of the song "Offended at you" took place. The young performer liked Alla Borisovna, who since then has often invited Natalia to interesting projects. So the singer has seriously established herself on the stage. The audience appreciated her rare musicality and extraordinary sound of the songs.
Compositions by Natalia Vlasova are often heard on television and radio. They are even performed in films. Natalia tried on the role of a dramatic actress, playing the hostess of the cabaret on the stage of GITIS. The collaboration of Vlasova with V. Gaft became interesting. Two creative personalities managed to combine deep poetry and sensual music into a single whole.
The singer is actively involved in charity, helping cancer patients.
By nature, Natalia Valerievna is a typical "owl". She has little weaknesses: the singer hates unclean shoes and open boxes. Loves flowers and good painting. Natalia Vlasova's taste cannot be denied. And in her character there is enough adventurism - in the good sense of the word. A share of adventurism helps Natalia to cope with life's difficulties and leads forward - to new creative achievements.