Inna Kuznetsova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Inna Kuznetsova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Inna Kuznetsova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Many young people are concerned about building a professional career today. In business, just like in figure skating, preparation should start at an early age. If a sixth grader does his homework for his friends and they pay for these services at a fixed rate, then he should be oriented towards doing business. Inna Anatolyevna Kuznetsova positions herself as a top-level manager. She has written several books on how you can achieve high positions while working for a large corporation.

Inna Kuznetsova
Inna Kuznetsova

Starting conditions

Not far from us, a significant number of students dreamed of enrolling after graduating from a higher educational institution to enroll in graduate school and "make" a scientific career. Or go to work in a large company and, over time, take a prestigious position in its structure. Inna Anatolyevna Kuznetsova, being a student at school and a student at the university, also made plans for her future. Each person has to solve the task of designing their own life route. Practice shows that solution methods are not always chosen deliberately. To make the right choice, you need to adequately assess your starting positions.

At the initial stage of an independent life, the biography of Inna Kuznetsova took shape according to a standard template. The girl was born in the spring of 1968 in an intelligent family that lived in Moscow. Parents did their best to prepare their child for real conditions. She was taught the skills of independence from a young age. They taught me to rely only on my own strength. Closely observe the behavior of the people around you. Inna did not study badly at school. Relations with classmates were smooth. After the tenth grade, having a certificate of maturity, Kuznetsova decided to get higher education at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of Moscow State University.


In 1990, Inna Kuznetsova defended her diploma and entered graduate school. At that time, the situation in the country was changing dynamically. The economy, as they say, was bursting at the seams and preparations for reforms were in full swing. The main task was to abandon the planned mechanism of economic management and switch to market principles. Western European and American methods were taken as samples. Graduate student Kuznetsova actively participated in discussions on this topic. In 1993 she completed her studies, but did not defend her thesis. There were good reasons for this - Inna was invited to work in the Russian branch of the famous company IBM.

The production of personal computers operated in the Soviet Union. However, their technical characteristics were inferior to foreign models. Every normal person tried to buy an imported product. An energetic employee, Inna Kuznetsova, was tasked with achieving maximum sales in the Russian market. Of course, after a measured postgraduate regime, it was not easy to switch to intensive activity. But Russian women are capable of achieving the most incredible results. Assessing the real contribution of the manager Kuznetsova, the company's management decided to transfer her to the head office. In 1997, Inna moved to the United States.


Success management

Overseas, at the headquarters of a multinational company, the order was not so tough, but completely unusual. A woman with a Russian mentality had to mobilize all her physical and psychological resources in order to adapt to extreme conditions. Yes, Irina Kuznetsova succeeded. Being an observant person, she put her personal experiences and feelings into a short synopsis. After a while, these scattered notes were transformed into a manuscript.

It is important to note that Inna Kuznetsova took over as vice president of the company for marketing. She turned out to be the first employee whose nationality is written as “Russian”. From the height of her official position, she could see many bottlenecks where inexperienced employees "get stuck". Given these circumstances, Kuznetsova submitted her manuscript to the publishing house. A book called Up. A Practical Approach to Career Growth”was published and instantly became a bestseller.


Literary creativity did not distract the top manager from performing his professional functions. Inna continued to work intensively, solving the tasks facing her. In 2012, she decided to change jobs and left her post at the IBM office. The reason for the transition is simple and straightforward. Kuznetsova was engaged in the sale of computer technology, and wanted to expand the scope of her activities. The successful manager was invited to one of the largest logistics companies in the world.

In a new capacity, Inna Kuznetsova began to engage in container shipping around the planet. How small our Earth turned out to be, it became known literally a few months later. Every fourth container in the world was ordered through a structure under its management. In parallel with her main work, Inna publishes another book on the topic of professional success.


Educational activities

While holding high positions in commercial structures, Inna Kuznetsova regularly faced and continues to face gender-related difficulties. Despite the abundance of relevant laws, there is still a long way to full equality between men and women. Progress in this area is being observed, but there is still a long way to go to complete harmony.

In her articles and books, Kuznetsova emphasizes that personal life is important for both women and men. In modern conditions, both husband and wife are equally concerned with building a professional career. Therefore, a redistribution of responsibilities takes place in the family. Such facts should not scare or mislead anyone.
