Where Are The Most Beautiful Girls In Russia?

Where Are The Most Beautiful Girls In Russia?
Where Are The Most Beautiful Girls In Russia?

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Some men are interested in the pressing question "where in Russia can you find the most beautiful girls?" This question is no less interested in women who want to be among the beauties living in the territory of the Russian Federation. Based on numerous surveys, a rating of cities and regions was compiled in which the most beautiful Russian women live.

Where are the most beautiful girls in Russia?
Where are the most beautiful girls in Russia?

Ranking leaders

The leading position in terms of the external attractiveness of women is taken by Rostov-on-Don, whose residents most often won prizes in beauty contests. So, the title of Miss World in 2003 was given to Victoria Lopyreva from Rostov, the title of Miss Beauty of the Universe 2009 went to another Rostov woman - Irina Zagoruiko. St. Petersburg is also famous for its beauties, which is considered an international European city.

Petersburg women have also repeatedly won various events on the topic of beauty, since mixing of blood gives the most attractive appearance.

No less beautiful are the Krasnodar Cossacks, who are known for their bright facial features and beautiful feminine figures. The residents of the Volgograd and Saratov regions keep up with the Kuban beauties - different bloods have been mixed in them for many centuries in a row, which led to the appearance of beautiful faces. Men speak with admiration of girls from Moscow, who, although they quite often improve their appearance artificially, still look amazing.


Women living in Samara, Vologda, the city of brides Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm received excellent reviews about beauty. According to data obtained by the independent Russian agency "A +", the voices of men in the poll "Where do the most beautiful girls in Russia live?" were distributed as follows. Samara received 14.8%, Volgograd - 12.1%, Saratov - 11.1%, Rostov-on-Don - 10.9%, Ivanovo - 10.8%. 9.6% of men voted for Nizhny Novgorod, 7.5% - for St. Petersburg, 6.8% - for Krasnodar, 6.4% - for Moscow and 4.2% - for Vologda.

However, when comparing the data obtained in different polls, the opinions of the male sex are quite different.

Psychologists associate the difference of opinion with the fact that there is no single definition of beauty - each person can consider completely different things or facial features to be beautiful. Female beauty, on the other hand, is a very unstable concept, because men adore both thin and plump women, both blondes and brunettes, both short and tall. The main parameters by which most men are guided when evaluating a woman, psychologists consider her femininity, intelligence and love of life, as well as her readiness to please a man. The rest of the external qualities, although important, are still not leading in such a phenomenon as female beauty.