A monument is a structure that serves to perpetuate people or events. A sculpture can either decorate a city or disfigure a square or square. If you have your own ideas about what kind of monument should be in your city, you can achieve this.

Step 1
Usually, the decision on the installation of monuments is made by the Council of Deputies. Sometimes the issue is decided by an internal vote, and sometimes it is brought up to a general vote. Residents of the city can be offered to vote for their favorite sculpture, choosing from several proposed options, or express their opinion about where the monument should be.
Step 2
The city authorities love to decorate streets and parks with sculptures that graduates of secondary and higher art schools create as their graduation projects. If you study in such an institution, you can agree that the monument that you make will not only bring you high marks, but also serve the city.
Step 3
Competitions are often held among architects as well. Those offer their works that can decorate the city, and a strict jury evaluates the participants and chooses a monument that will be worthy to decorate the city streets. If you have a talent for sculpting, take part in the competition, and then your work will adorn your hometown.
Step 4
If you think that it is necessary to erect a monument and honor the memory of a famous person who lived in your city, or mark a historical event, you can write a letter to the Council of Deputies with a request to install the sculpture. If you find like-minded people who agree to support your endeavor, great. The more signatures there are under the letter, the more chances you have to be heard.
Step 5
Attach documents to your letter confirming that the event took place, or that the person really lived in your city. Describe in detail why you think the person you care about, the battle, or the signing of a treaty is worthy of being immortalized. Attach sketches of the monument, if you have any, and send a letter. If your initiative is supported by the deputies, the project will be implemented.