How To Send A Letter To Japan

How To Send A Letter To Japan
How To Send A Letter To Japan

Table of contents:


In order to successfully send a letter to Japan, you need to carefully understand the design of the envelope, in particular, you need to understand how to correctly fill in the field for the addressee.

How to send a letter to Japan
How to send a letter to Japan


Step 1

Decide on the content of your letter. Which format suits you best: standard or A4, for example? Go to the post office and purchase a special envelope designed for sending letters abroad.

Step 2

Find out the exact address of the recipient. The address can be presented in two versions: in Japanese or in international, English.

Step 3

Fill in the sender field, indicating your address in Latin letters and Arabic numerals, so that in case of problems, the letter will be returned to you, and not lost somewhere.

Step 4

Indicate the number of the street, house, apartment, then the name of the district, town and country in English. In principle, everything is as usual. Japanese index, usually contains a dash, this character can be omitted when writing.

Step 5

The best option is to get the address in Japanese (in hieroglyphs), print it and stick it on the envelope. Be sure to sign below the name of the country in Russian and in English: Japan / Japan. Russian decryption is necessary in order for the postal employee to unambiguously understand the name of the country. It also happens that Japan is read as Iran.

Step 6

If you still have questions, then go to the post office. Inquire about the window in which letters sent abroad are received. It is recommended to contact the central post office, as its employees have more experience in resolving this issue.

Step 7

Be sure to weigh your letter before sending it, if it exceeds 20 g, buy and attach the required number of stamps.

Step 8

Some sites provide the ability to send paper letters over the Internet. You just need to type a text, choose an envelope and pay for the service. Further, the service staff will do everything for you.
