Dmitry Tverskoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Dmitry Tverskoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Dmitry Tverskoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Dmitry Mikhailovich Groznye Ochi, Grand Duke of Tver and Grand Duke of Vladimir (1299-1326), grand-nephew of Alexander Nevsky, son of the holy right-believing Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy and Anna Dmitrievna Rostovskaya, known as Anna Kashinskaya.

Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes is one of the brightest representatives of the ancient and glorious family of Tver princes, descendants of Alexander Nevsky
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes is one of the brightest representatives of the ancient and glorious family of Tver princes, descendants of Alexander Nevsky

The origin of the Tver princes

The princes of Tver descended from the brother of Alexander Nevsky - Yaroslav, the son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodich, the grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest.

Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who became the Grand Duke of Vladimir, gave his former owner, Pereyaslavl, to his son Alexander (Nevsky), and Tver to another son, Yaroslav Yaroslavich, who is the first independent prince of Tver. After the death of Alexander Nevsky in 1263 Yaroslav received the title of Grand Duke in the Horde. Vladimir, Tver and Novgorod were under his rule. In 1271 Yaroslav died while returning from a trip to the Horde. He bequeathed the Tver reign to Mikhail Yaroslavich, his son from the daughter of the Novgorod boyar Ksenia Yurievna.

At the beginning of the XIV century. the rival of Tver is Moscow. From that time on, between the two strongest northern Russian principalities - Tver and Moscow - a fierce and stubborn struggle began, the visible object of which was the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, and the true one was political dominance, political hegemony.


In addition to the Tver reign, Mikhail was bequeathed to Mikhail in 1304 by the Grand Duke of Vladimir, Andrei Alexandrovich, the great reign, but Yuri Danilovich of Moscow entered the struggle for power. As a result of a long struggle, having become a victim of a slander, Mikhail was executed in the Horde by Khan Uzbek. November 22, 1319

Dmitry Mikhailovich Groznye Ochi, Grand Duke of Tver. Biography

Dmitry Mikhailovich Groznye Ochi (1299 - 1325) - the eldest son of Mikhail Yaroslavich, Dmitry inherited his father in the Tver reign. He had to pay tribute to Yuri Danilovich of Moscow for transfer to the Horde. Dmitry was distinguished by a violent disposition, was unrestrained and impetuous, and besides, he always dreamed of avenging Dolgoruky for the death of his father. Hence the nickname Terrible Eyes.


He took part in the fight of his father against Yuri Danilovich of Moscow. When in 1311 Mikhail Andreevich died childless in the Gorodets reign, and the Horde sanctioned the occupation of the principality by the Moscow Danilovichs (Boris village in Nizhny Novgorod), 12-year-old Dmitry went to Nizhny Novgorod, but was stopped in Vladimir by Metropolitan Peter. In 1314, during his father's departure to the Horde, Dmitry commanded the Tver army, which came to the banks of the Volga against the Novgorodians, Yuri's supporters. In 1321, Dmitry Mikhailovich recognized Yuri as the Grand Duke and gave him the Tver tribute (2,000 rubles), but he did not give it to the Khan, but put it into circulation in Novgorod. Then Dmitry went to the Horde to the Uzbek Khan and accused Yuri of concealing part of the tribute intended for the Tatars. An angry Uzbek Khan gave Dmitry a label for the great reign.

Yuri stayed in Novgorod. In 1324, the khan's ambassador, Akhmil, came to him and persuaded him to go to the Horde. After a while, Dmitry also arrived there. Having met there the culprit of his father's death, on November 21, 1325, on the eve of the anniversary of the execution of Mikhail Yaroslavich, he hacked to death Yuri and waited for the khan's trial, still harboring hope for khan's leniency. But Khan Uzbek was very angry at this arbitrariness. Yuri was his son-in-law, and supporters of Moscow pointed out that it was necessary to avenge the death of a relative. In addition, they said, the forgiveness of the murderer can be regarded as gentleness on the part of the khan. In the end, the khan decided to execute the young 26-year-old prince. The execution took place on September 15, 1325. However, the label for the great reign of Vladimir was received from the khan by Dmitry's brother Alexander, and not Ivan Kalita, the brother of Yuri Dolgoruky, although at that time he was in the Horde.


Personal life of Dmitry Tverskoy

Dmitry had a strong and happy family. Dmitry Mikhailovich was married to Maria, daughter of the Lithuanian prince Gedimin. After the death of Dmitry in the Horde, his spouse, according to some instructions, could not bear the death of her husband and soon died - however, according to the Personal Chronicle Code, this happened only in 1348. Despite his short life, Dmitry Tveskoy carried out constant work for the benefit of the Tver land and managed to make a great contribution to its development.
