When a person is studying physiological processes at the cellular level, he has no time to joke. The profession does not dispose. However, in practice, a completely different picture emerges. Academician Dmitry Sukharev writes poetry and loves to sing songs by the fire.

Starting conditions
Among people who are engaged in creativity, it is sometimes customary to hide their real name under a pseudonym. Perhaps this is done out of modesty or for other reasons. Dmitry Antonovich Sakharov Doctor of Biological Sciences and Full Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences. For a wide range of bardic song lovers, he is known under the name of Dmitry Sukharev. This is how his surname is printed on collections of poems, prose works and theater scripts. In the biography of the poet, it is noted that Sukharev was born on November 1, 1930 in the family of a scientist.

Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Tashkent. My father was engaged in research on the features of the fauna in Central Asia. Mother worked as a laboratory assistant on the expedition. Two years later, the business trip ended, and the family returned to Moscow. Here Dmitry went to school. He studied well. He knew how to find a common language with his peers. From an early age he was distinguished by observation and good memory. And as a result of the whole complex of abilities, Sukharev graduated from school with a gold medal. He was admitted to the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University without entrance exams.

Professional activity
Dmitry Antonovich built his career according to the existing templates. After graduating, he entered graduate school. In the mid-50s, biology as a science was going through a difficult period. At that time, there were very heated discussions between the supporters of genetics and its opponents. Thanks to his tenacity and perfectionism, he achieved the purity of the experiment under all circumstances. In 1956 he defended his Ph. D. thesis, and five years later he defended his doctoral dissertation. With all the workload, Sukharev did not abandon literary creativity.

The first poems by Dmitry Sukharev appeared on the pages of youth newspapers in 1957. It is important to note that as a graduate student, he actively participated in amateur performances at his native biology faculty. Dmitry wrote not only poetry, but also music. However, after a while he developed long-term creative alliances with Viktor Berkovsky and Sergei Nikitin. It was they who wrote music and performed songs to the words of Sukharev from the stage. The first book of poems called "Saplings" was published in 1961. The next collection was "Tribute" in 1963.

Recognition and privacy
Sukharev regularly held seminars and master classes for young poets. In 2001 he was awarded the Bulat Okudzhava Literary Prize of Russia. Dmitry Antonovich was awarded the literary prize of Moscow writers "Wreath-2004".
The personal life of the poet and scientist can be told in a nutshell. Sukharev lives in a legal marriage. He met his wife during his student years. The husband and wife raised a son who became an art critic and journalist.