Baskin Ilya Zalmanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Baskin Ilya Zalmanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Baskin Ilya Zalmanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

There are no administrative or other boundaries for true talent. Ilya Baskin starred with equal success in Soviet films, and then in American ones.

Ilya Baskin
Ilya Baskin

Starting conditions

Many people dream of acting in films, especially in adolescence. Ilya Zalmanovich Baskin was born on August 11, 1950 in an intelligent family. Parents at that time lived in Riga. My father worked at the famous VEF radio plant, my mother taught English. From an early age, the child showed a penchant for humanitarian knowledge. I learned to read early - there were many books in the house. Easily memorized poems and melodies of songs. He could imitate the voices of relatives and friends.

Ilya studied well at school. His favorite subjects were literature and geography. He actively participated in public life and amateur performances. He published a cool wall newspaper and wrote notes in it himself. I easily found a common language with classmates. On the street he did not give himself offense, but he was not listed among the hooligans. I watched how his peers live, what they dream about and what goals they set for themselves in the future. He was seriously interested in domestic and foreign films. As far as possible, I followed the news on the screen and the fate of cult actors.

Professional trails

Possessing a memorable appearance, Ilya was determined to become an artist. In 1967 he received a certificate of maturity and came to Moscow to continue his education at the circus school. Nature did not deprive Baskin of talent. He diligently and eagerly engaged in creativity, and these efforts bore the expected results. After college, he was hired by the famous orchestra of Leonid Utesov. Then, in search of a better life, he moved to the capital's theater of miniatures. The career of the young actor was quite successful.

Ilya Baskin received all-Union fame after the release of the four-part film "Big Change". They began to recognize him on the street and in stores. But, despite the visible successes, the actor lacked something - either money or fame. In 1976, Ilya Zalmanovich packed his suitcases and left for hospitable America. The country of general prosperity accepted the Soviet celebrity indifferently. In Hollywood, they offered to work in a restaurant. Baskin even edited the Russian-language newspaper Panorama.

Essays on personal life

In the biography of Ilya Baskin it is said that he was immediately invited to appear. Yes, I was invited, but after a year. And he did not miss his chance. Talent is a talent in America too. Excellent knowledge of English allowed a native of the USSR to adapt to local conditions in a short time. A few years later, Baskin was already working on the same project with the great Sean Connery. At the moment, Ilya Zalmanovich has more than seventy paintings in his assets.

Personal life overseas was successful. Baskin is legally married. Counsel and love reign in the house. The husband and wife raised their daughter. The actor continues to work to the best of his ability. Holds meetings with spectators. Teaches young people the intricacies of craftsmanship.
