Svetlana Kovalenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Svetlana Kovalenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Svetlana Kovalenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Very little is known about the life of S. A. Kovalenko, more data about her achievements and works. She was published in well-known publications, was a member of creative and public organizations, was the compiler of well-known literary works.

The work of Svetlana Kovalenko
The work of Svetlana Kovalenko

Svetlana Alekseevna Kovalenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Svetlana Alekseevna Kovalenko, was born in the city of Sumy, Ukrainian SSR, USSR on September 7, 1927. Svetlana's childhood and adolescence fell on very difficult times for the country. The Great Patriotic War made great adjustments to the fate of people. During this difficult period, she was able to withstand and after the end of the war entered the Yerevan State University from which she graduated in 1949, in 1953 - graduate school of the Institute of World Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the same 1953, Svetlana Alekseevna defended her thesis for a candidate of philological sciences "A collective farm village in the poetry of M. Isakovsky and A. Tvardovsky."

She is known as a literary critic, a specialist in Russian literature of the 20th century, a doctor of philological sciences.

Yerevan State University
Yerevan State University


Svetlana Alekseevna Kovalenko began her career in 1955.

In 1990 she defended her thesis of Doctor of Philology "Lyrical Epic in Soviet Poetry: Dynamics of the Genre". Since 1991, she was a leading researcher at the Institute of World Literature and Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences, took part in the preparation of the Complete Works of V. V. Mayakovsky in thirteen volumes (1955-1961) and the collected works of S. A. Yesenin in five volumes (1961-1962). She was one of the compilers of the Complete Works of Anna Akhmatova in six volumes (1998-2002) and a two-volume edition of the Pro et contra series “Anna Akhmatova” (2001, 2005), as well as “Anna Akhmatova's Petersburg Dreams. Kovalenko had experience in reconstructing the text in Poem Without a Hero. (2004) Author of the unfinished biography "Anna Akhmatova" (2009), which was published in the field of death, from a serious illness, by her husband A. N. Nikolyukin in the series "Life of Remarkable People". Author of the book "Star Tribute". Women in the fate of Mayakovsky "(2006).

Since 1990 she has been a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

writers union ticket
writers union ticket


Svetlana Kovalenko was the author of memoirs and biographies of which the more famous can be distinguished: "Star Tribute". Women in the fate of Mayakovsky, Soviet poetry about the Great Patriotic War: (To the 40th anniversary of Victory), Collection "Anna Akhmatova". As for the unfinished work of Svetlana Alekseevna's biography of "Anna Akhmatova", here you can see the dampness of the publication and its incompleteness, since S. A. Kovalenko was not only a strong critic, but also an expert on Akhmatova's life, and in the work there are many inaccuracies and distortions that are not inherent in her …

As well as:

· Kovalenko S. A. Alexander Fadeev. - M.: Knowledge, 1976.-- 64 p. - (New in life, science, technology). - 139,500 copies

· Kovalenko S. A. For the sake of life on earth: Soviet literature in the struggle for peace. - M., 1980.

· Kovalenko S. A. Poem as a genre of literature. - M.: Knowledge, 1982.-- 112 p.

· Kovalenko S. A. Sergey Alekseev: [For senior school age]. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1985.-- 143 p.

· Kovalenko S. A. Soviet poetry about the Great Patriotic War: (To the 40th anniversary of the Victory). - M.: Knowledge, 1985.-- 64 p.

· Kovalenko S. A. The artistic world of the Soviet poem: Possibilities of the genre / Executive editor G. I. Lomidze; Academy of Sciences of the USSR, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature. - M.: Nauka, 1989.-- 270 p.

· Kovalenko S. A. Winged lines of Russian poetry. Essays on history. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989.-- 480 p. - 25,000 copies.

· Kovalenko S. A. "Star tribute". Women in the fate of Mayakovsky. - M.: Ellis Lack, 2006.-- 592 p. - 5000 copies.

· Kovalenko S. A. Anna Akhmatova. - M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 2009.-- 382 p. - (The life of wonderful people). - 5000 copies.

The work of S. A. Kovalenko
The work of S. A. Kovalenko

Was the compiler:

Anna Akhmatova: pro et contra. Anthology / Compiled by S. A. Kovalenko. - M.: Publishing house of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute, 2001. - 964 p. - (Russian way). - 2000 copies.

· Petersburg dreams of Anna Akhmatova. "Poem without a hero." (Experience of text reconstruction). / Compiled by S. A. Kovalenko. - SPb.: Rostok, 2004.-- 368 p. - (Unknown XX century). - 3000 copies.

Anna Akhmatova: pro et contra. Anthology / Compiled by S. A. Kovalenko. - M.: Publishing house of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 2005. - 992 p. - (Russian way). - 1000 copies.

A family

A. N. Nikolyukin husband of Svetlana Kovalenko
A. N. Nikolyukin husband of Svetlana Kovalenko

S. A. Kovalenko was the wife -Nikolyukin Alexander Nikolaevich- was born on May 26, 1928. in Voronezh RSFSR, USSR. Soviet and Russian literary historian, specialist in literature of the USA and Great Britain, editor-in-chief of the Literary Journal published by INION RAS, Doctor of Philology, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of IANPO, Chief Researcher of INION RAS. Published since 1954.

Children of Svetlana: daughter - Svetlana Aleksandrovna Tolmacheva, defended her Ph. D. thesis on Shakespeare at Moscow State University; since 1999 - Director of ST Management Consulting, which specializes in career development.

son-in-law - Vasily Mikhailovich Tolmachev born in 1957 - Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of History of Foreign Literature, Moscow State University

granddaughters - Maria Vasilievna Tolmacheva, graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University - Olga Vasilievna Tolmacheva, graduate of Moscow Architectural Institute.

Svetlana Alekseevna Kovalenko made a great contribution to the development of education and discovered the biographical data of famous people such as A. Akhmatova, Mayakovsky and others.

S. A. Kovalenko died on September 6, 2007, in Moscow at the age of 79, after a long and serious illness.
