Svyatoslav Loginov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Svyatoslav Loginov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Svyatoslav Loginov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Svyatoslav Loginov has long been known and appreciated by science fiction lovers both in Russia and outside the country. In childhood, he loved to read, but at first he did not think about writing. And even after writing several miniatures in the genre of science fiction, Loginov was in no hurry to call himself a writer. The literary career took off in the early 80s of the last century.

Svyatoslav Loginov
Svyatoslav Loginov

From the biography of Stanislav Loginov

The future Russian science fiction writer Loginov (his real name is Vitman) was born in Ussuriisk on October 9, 1951. Soon after birth, the family moved to Leningrad. Here Svyatoslav Vladimirovich lives to the present time.

At school, Svyatoslav studied at a very average level, although his abilities showed up early. Apparently, natural laziness has affected, the fictional himself believes. At first, Vitman did not even suspect that real, "living" writers live in the world. He naively believed that all the masters of literature exist only in portrait frames on the walls of the literature study.


The young man at one time wanted to become a chemist, because he graduated from school with a chemical bias. Later he entered the chemistry department of the Leningrad State University. Svyatoslav had no particular desire to learn formulas. Already in his university years, a lot of time and effort was spent on creativity: he began to create fantastic stories.

But even having composed two dozen literary works, the young man did not consider himself a literary figure yet. Once Svyatoslav was brought to the Writer's House, where he attended a seminar by Boris Strugatsky. There he was authoritatively explained that the craft of writing can and should be learned. From this memorable day, Svyatoslav began to count his experience as a science fiction writer.


Science fiction writer Svyatoslav Loginov

The first work of Vitman was published in the spring of 1975 in the magazine "Ural Pathfinder". The second publication took place only in 1981, this time in the "Iskorka" magazine. However, in the interval between the two events, Loginov worked hard and hard. He did not want to drive "conjuncture" for the needs of the public.

At about the same time, they explained to Svyatoslav: if you want to be published often, you need to take a creative pseudonym. It is desirable that it ends in "-ov". Mom's maiden name was used. So the science fiction writer Loginov was born.


Having adopted a new name, Svyatoslav began to publish every year. Sometimes there were even more publications - twice in twelve months.

Here are just some of the many works of science fiction writer, beloved by the Russian reader: "The Iron Age" (1982), "House by the Road" (1985), "The Law of Conservation" (1990), "Without Paradoxes" (1990), "The Many-Armed God of Dalain" (1995), "I will be in time" (1996), "Black tornado" (1999), "Capital measure" (2009), "Axis of the world" (2010).

Loginov is a laureate of the prestigious awards "Wanderer", "Aelita", "Interpresscon".

Work path and personal life of the writer

The work biography of the writer is diverse: he happened to be a handyman, a loader, an engineer, a chemistry teacher.

Loginov does not like to talk about family life in detail. It is known that he is married. The writer has two children.
