Yancey Rick: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Yancey Rick: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Yancey Rick: Biography, Career, Personal Life

To become a writer, a person needs a pack of writing paper and a well-sharpened pencil. And by today's standards, a mediocre computer is enough. Yancey Rick worked as an English teacher at school for many years and unexpectedly began writing novels.

Yancy Rick
Yancy Rick

Starting conditions

Realism writers, unlike journalists, do not describe current events. They construct in their works a situation that has developed in a certain chronological period. But there are also such workers of the pen who invent their own world and inhabit it with specific characters. The genre of fantasy and pseudo-science fiction reached its peak in popularity at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Rick Yancey is one of the brightest representatives of American science fiction writers. Fame came to him at a mature age.

The future writer was born on November 4, 1962 in the family of a lawyer. Parents lived at that time in Miami. My father was involved in bankruptcy cases. Mother worked in an advertising agency. According to established traditions, a child from an early age was tuned in to the fact that he should inherit legal advice from his father. However, the real situation was different. Rick did well in school. His favorite subjects were history and literature. When the time came to choose a profession, he decided to get a specialized education at the Faculty of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago.


Professional activity

After receiving his diploma, Yancy returned to his hometown and got a job as a teacher in one of the local schools. The noisy atmosphere of the educational institution strained Rick and at times caused bouts of depression. Someone of his acquaintances suggested that he go to serve in the tax department. There was a different atmosphere here. For the most part, the inspector had to deal with documents. The visitors did not bother him often, and Yancey regained his psychological balance. It was during this period of his biography that he began to compose fantastic works and send them to publishing houses.

In 2003, the first book of the writer Rick Yancey, entitled "Fire in the Homeland", was published. A year later, he decided to quit his career as a tax inspector and take up writing on a professional basis. Yancey's next novel was The Confessions of a Tax Collector. This book made the writer famous. Prestigious publishers began to invite him to cooperate. Having dealt with the incoming proposals, the author realized that it is much more profitable to publish several works in succession. And from that moment he began to write novels in series.

Recognition and privacy

Possessing high efficiency, Yancey handed over novels to production exactly on the terms stipulated by the contract. Readers have already been waiting for the next books from the series "Alfred Kropp", "Apprentice of the Monstrologer", "5th Wave". The writer's work was appreciated by independent experts. In 2005, the author received the Carnegie Medal for his cycle of novels for children.

Rick does not write novels about his personal life. He has been legally married for a long time. The husband and wife raised and raised three sons.
