Where Most People Live

Where Most People Live
Where Most People Live

In the People's Republic of China, 16.4 million new citizens were born in 2013. Population growth rates still exceed mortality rates, but this will not always be the case. The most populous country in the world is about to change.

Photo source: PhotoRack website
Photo source: PhotoRack website

According to scientists, as of January 1, 2014, more than 7 billion people live in the world. The world's population is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. India's population is growing at the fastest pace, and China holds the record for the number of citizens.

Celestial Empire amazes the whole world with its growth rate

China over the past few decades has surprised the world with its population growth and industrial development. Today the number of its inhabitants is 1 323 591 583 people.

India has become the second largest number of citizens living in the country. Its population has passed the mark of 1,156,897,766 people. If you add these two numbers, it turns out that 37% of the world's population lives in the two countries.

The growth of the population in the PRC will reach its peak by 2026, and then there will be a gradual decline. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government introduced a program to curb the growth of the birth rate due to the avalanche-like increase in the number of its citizens. Now there are more men in China than women, and the urban population is more than half of the total.

Chinese scientists have calculated that if the measures were not taken in time, today more than 1.7 billion people lived in the Celestial Empire. As the population grows, so does the country's economy. China confidently takes positions on a par with such developed countries as the United States and the European Union.

Over the past 30 years, the quality of life of the population has significantly improved in this country, infant mortality has decreased, and the life expectancy of people has increased. At the same time, environmental problems and the search for opportunities to further improve the quality of life of citizens came to the fore.

India will be the future leader

Due to natural processes, in a few decades, India will become the first in terms of the number of inhabitants. Leadership will change after 2026. Today, the largest number of children is born in it, although the quality of life remains extremely low.

Russia, according to scientists, will leave the top ten most populated countries by 2025. The population of the Russian Federation will decrease by 20 million people compared to the current 140 million. Now Russia occupies 9th place in this list.

The USA, Indonesia and Brazil will remain in the forefront in terms of growth rates. The United States will be home to 350 million people by 2026. Already, scientists are concerned about the global shortage of natural resources and the state of the environment. They call the problem of population growth the most serious challenge to humanity.