Maria Skornitskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Maria Skornitskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Maria Skornitskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

TV series have long attracted viewers' attention. The leading actors become role models. Maria Skornitskaya as an actress made her debut in the cult series on the youth TV channel "TNT".

Maria Skornitskaya
Maria Skornitskaya

Starting conditions

Many girls and boys dream of acting in films. But only a few overcome shyness and stiffness. Maria Skornitskaya from an early age declared that she wanted to become an artist. Relatives and acquaintances assented to her, although they did not take such statements seriously. The reason was that the girl had speech defects. She could not pronounce words correctly with “hissing” and “growling” sounds. Regular sessions with a speech therapist yielded poor results. And only after the father began to study with the child, the situation began to improve.

The future actress was born on February 8, 1983 in an ordinary Soviet family. Older sister Olga was already growing up in the house. Parents lived in the famous town of Lysva, Perm region. My father served in law enforcement. Mother worked as a pastry chef in a restaurant. From an early age, the girl was prepared for an independent life and introduced to art. Relatives wanted Maria to become a music worker. She was even placed in a music school. However, nothing came of this venture. Masha flatly refused to attend classes in the "musical", but enrolled in a theater studio that operated at the House of Culture.


In the theater and on TV

After school, Maria entered the acting department of the Perm Institute of Art and Culture. Having received a specialized education, the certified actress could not find work in her specialty for a long time. After a month of persistent searches, Skornitskaya was accepted into the troupe of the local Theater of the Young Spectator. The professional development of the actress took place on this stage. She performed both the main and cameo roles in repertoire productions. At the same time, she appeared in various television programs and starred in commercials.

Fundamental changes in Skornitskaya's biography took place in the summer of 2010. At this time, the television series "Real Boys" was launched into production. Her friends persuaded her to come to the casting. Maria hesitated for a long time before agreeing. According to the basic scenario, the actress was given a small amount of screen time. However, based on the opinion of the audience, the storyline was changed. The producers did not object to the renewal of the contract.


Recognition and privacy

The professional career of an actress today is developing successfully. The creativity of Maria Skornitskaya is in demand among the youth audience. The list of projects in which she is engaged is regularly growing.

The actress's personal life can be told briefly. Maria lives in legal marriage with her husband named Dmitry. A husband and wife are raising and raising a son. Currently they live in Moscow. They haven't saved up for their own apartment yet.
