Bisbal David: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Bisbal David: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Bisbal David: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Spain is an amazing country. Not only courageous sailors are born here, but also talented singers. The work of David Bisbal is known far beyond the borders of his native country. Discs with his songs are sold in millions of copies.

David Bisbal
David Bisbal

Starting conditions

Orange groves in Spain are looked after according to certain rules. The famous singer David Bisbal worked for several years in an orange seedling nursery. His mother enrolled him in gardening courses after he did not want to continue his studies at the university. Oddly enough, the education of the gardener was the impetus for the young man's musical career. While planting seed in the ground, the workers sang old folk songs. David listened to them with great attention and admiration. And I always tried to sing along.

The future idol of youth was born on June 5, 1979 in an ordinary family. Parents lived in the city of Almeria. My father worked as a taxi driver. The mother was engaged in housekeeping. David became the third child in the house. The brother was 11 years older, and the sister was eight. They loved their younger brother, and always treated his whims with condescension. At school, the future maestro studied well, but he did not have enough stars from the sky. After leaving school, he even went to university, but dropped out after the first year. For a while, the former student was wiping instruments at the local planetarium.


Creative activity

While planting orange trees, David learned about the next round of the Operation Triumph competition and decided to take part in it. Friends did not doubt his abilities, and his parents were skeptical about this venture. Bisbal finished second and was in the top three. Under the terms of the competition, he received the right to record his solo album in a professional studio. The disc went on sale two months later and broke all records in terms of sales. More than one and a half million copies were sold during the year. This indicator can be the envy of very popular performers.

The first tour with performances in the cities of Spain took place in 2002. Full houses were going to listen to Bisbal. Tickets were sold out a month before the concert. The singer has become an idol of the youth audience. The artist's creative career was developing quite successfully. David received an offer to conclude a cooperation contract from a well-known record company. They had to work on the next album in the American city of Miami. After completing all the procedures and the release of the disc, Bisbal went on a tour of Latin America.


Recognition and privacy

The work of the Spanish singer was appreciated by the audience and experts. Bisbal has received several prestigious awards, including the Grammy Award for Discovery of the Year 2003.

The personal life of a popular artist is developing dynamically. For several years he was legally married to Elena Tablada. In 2010, their daughter was born. After a few years, the husband and wife parted. David currently lives with Venezuelan actress Rosanna Zanetti.
