Our rulers now and then complain - the birth rate has fallen, it is necessary to raise it. This is the question - how to increase it? Where is "family" in the original sense of the word and is it real in our time?

Step 1
Whatever one may say, but most families, when thinking about when to have children, not least think about the material side of the issue. Even not the notorious crib and stroller will absorb as much finances as the regular purchase of diapers, food, clothes. For example, a pair of children's shoes costs about one and a half thousand. And the baby will only have enough shoes for a couple of months.
At the same time, children's allowances, together with the "milk payment", amount to just over 700 rubles a month.
In addition, many young families have an acute housing problem. If the two of us huddle in a rented "odnushka" seems quite normal, then with the appearance of at least one child, the question arises of more spacious housing. Often for this reason, the birth of a second baby is postponed.
Unfortunately, the state is doing little to solve these problems. There would be an incentive to raise salaries, resolve the square footage issue. Not in the sense that for the sake of money, but at least it will not be scary for their children, where they will live and what they have.
Step 2
The kid is growing up, goes to kindergarten, the queue for which must be taken immediately after receiving the birth certificate. And then, not the fact that you will, alas. But usually this does not mean that mom can safely go to work. At first, children get sick often, days off, sick leave begin, the bosses are usually not happy. For this reason, many moms choose a career. And the birth of a child is postponed "until later." But here the parents themselves must decide on the priorities in this period of life.
Step 3
Basically, everything is initially "in our head". Money is money, but often the poor give birth to many children, and the rich live in a three-story mansion together. If a person does not want, he cannot be convinced either by maternal capital or by calls to give birth to second and third children. Several children in a family are good. This is a school of communication, interaction. The elders often teach the younger ones. And most importantly, a brother or sister is a loved one for life.