Sergey Krasilnikov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Krasilnikov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Krasilnikov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The history of the Fatherland, where a person lives, is always important not only for him, but for everyone. Scientist S. A. Krasilnikov analyzed the material at the regional level in depth and purposefully. The significance of his works is enormous, because the fate of the repressed is the tragedy of the country.

Sergey Krasilnikov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Krasilnikov: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Historian Krasilnikov Sergei Alexandrovich was born in 1949 in the Tomsk region, in the special settlement of Narym, and grew up there until the age of six. In the 30s dispossessed families were sent into exile to these places. Among them were the ancestors of S. Krasilnikov. The parents were teachers.

He graduated from Novosibirsk University. In his candidate's work S. Krasilnikov analyzed the issue of the intelligentsia of Siberia in the course of the establishment of Soviet power. He devoted his doctoral dissertation to the socio-political development of the intelligentsia in Siberia from 1917 to 1930.


Memory of the repressed

For some time S. Krasilnikov worked as director of the museum of the history of Bolshevik exile. Fate gradually brought the young man to the theme of Stalinist repressions. Modern life has stubbornly led him in this historical direction. Then he took up the topic of "de-peasantization."

In 1988 S. Krasilnikov published an article “Roots or chips” in one of the city newspapers. This was the first publication in the Novosibirsk press, where he wrote about the fate of the exiled peasantry. When he came to Narym for the summer, people told him about their experiences. S. Krasilnikov's mother and his relatives also recalled those events.


S. Krasilnikov supervised the publication of documentary publications about the special settlers of Siberia, about the archives of the Kremlin. For the Book of Memory, the historian, together with the Tomsk Memorial, collected information about peasant families exiled to the Narym Territory in the 1930s. This is how the exiled-peasant trend appeared.

S. Krasilnikov was always amazed at how peasant families managed to survive during the repressions.


Historical views of the scientist

S. Krasilnikov works as the head. department at Novosibirsk University. The scientist's reflections are still relevant today. Collectivization, or repressive "de-peasantization", was the greatest tragedy for Russia. The colossal movement of the peasantry to the cities caused a phenomenon - the "neighborhoodization" of industry. And so far it has not been fully investigated. Therefore, the scientist's creative work continues. Referring to the results of studies of social psychologists, the scientist believes that the penetration of the peasant mentality into the cities brought the traditional faith in the tsar-father. Most people hope that someone will take responsibility for the country.

Analyzing the 90s of the twentieth century, S. Krasilnikov calls a fertile period for historians, because then the declassification of documents began.


Unique specialist

S. Krasilnikov became a unique, recognized specialist. He analyzed the historical development of Siberia in the first half of the 20th century. The multi-award-winning famous scientist has come across him as a brilliant, extremely skilled and motivated professional and an amazing storyteller. Remembering the history of your people is the main credo of the scientist S. Krasilnikov, who made a colossal contribution to this matter.
